Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

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The location and the campus. The campus is beautiful and different and the location is secluded but you still have access to everything you need.


The outdoor scene is great. There is lots of kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and outdoor activities.


I think my school is very diverse and really fun. There is no doubt that Bloomsburg is known as a drinking school but it's not hard to not be a part of that crowd. I really don't drink at all and I don't get any gripe from it. I completely love my school and it's the perfect size for me.


Bloomsburg is on top of a hill. It is beautiful during all seasons, especially fall and spring. All of the academic buildings are located in a quad, making it easy to get from one class to the next. When living in the dorms, one in situated behind the quad for easy access to classes. Apartments are available through the school on upper campus. Upper campus is made up of athletic fields and apartments. It is great because a shuttle is always running from upper to lower campus. Bloomsburg itself is a small but very community based town.


I considered attending Immaclata University and University of Delaware but chose Bloomsburg because I loved there clean and open campus. I liked that this was a small town filled with many different kinds of people. When I toured this school I felt extremely welcomed and felt like home. Immaculate and University of Delaware did not.


The cost of tuition is not bad. There are alot of social activities available and almost everyone there is very friendly.


I applied mainly to inner city schools. I never imagined myself at a university that was surrounded by farm fields and quaint towns. After first attending a city school, then transferring into Bloomsburg, I realized just how much I preferred the sound of cows over the sound of cars.


Bloomsburg University has an excellent education program where the professors are dedicated to helping their students succeed. I considered many different schools before selecting the one that suit me best. Since I am an education major, I wanted to find a school that would not only prepare me to instruct future generations but also care for my best needs. Bloomsburg University was the one school that met each requirement I thought was necessary to become an effective future teacher.


A school with many great programs in various fields for an affordable cost.


Bloomsburg has a great atmosphere. The people seem to be genuinly friendly and helpful. The campus is absolutley beautiful and very well kept up. I rarly see any trash on the ground. I particularly like the Living and Learning Communities Bloomsburg has. Basically all nursing majors, buisness majors or education majors have the opption of dorming in the same building. There is a very helpful study area with study tools on the first floor of my building. I also love that the teachers have office hours and are actually there to help you.