Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania!


It is a smaller University which allows professors to better work with the students on doing better. University offers a lot of good, stable career options.


I believe my school's size and location are unique. Its size is not too big, and also not too small. Therefore, it's not over whelming or boring. It's located in a nice small town setting, surrounded by plenty of land and moutains. It's very pretty in the Fall.


I like that bloomsburg is far enough away from home to be distant, but its nice because I can still come home when I want to.


Bloomsburg University has one of the best education programs.


Though the town is pretty small and local businesses close early, a lot is within walking or driving distance, such as Rickett's Glen, and the Bloomsburg Fair is around for a week in the fall!


This school is small but not to small and has a very pretty campus. Bloomsburg is AACSB accredited also.


the diversity in such a small school


Bloomsburg University has a lot of school spirit, even the teachers have school spirit!


As far as i know Bloomsburg offers alot of 5 yars masters programs, not sure about the others, but i foind that to be really nice. Academic support is amazing!


Bloomsburg has a strong community feel to it. It's easy for students to feel at home here and feel welcome.