The aspect of my school that I brag about the must is our community. The community at Bloomsburg University is so supportive and and close knit. I walk around feeling comfortable and at home. Bloomsburg provides a family as well as a great education. It is the best of both worlds.
My school offers an amazing variety of courses to choose from and it is all at an affordable price. I was paying double the amount at a smaller school that had less to offer in terms of studies and campus life, therefore, I am overjoyed by the fact that I am a new transfer student at Bloomsburg University.
I say that it is close to home and it is cheap. It also has a great social work program.
I brag most about the program that I am in at Bloomsburg. I am majoring in American Sign Language Interpreting and I know that I am really learning from the best. I am confident that I will find a job easily after I graduate because of the school that I graduated from. I would recommend the ASL Interpreting program at Bloomsburg University to anyone who was looking to enter this field.
When I tell my friends about my school I brag mostly about the cost. It is FAIRLY cheap compared to the schools they attend and I believe that the educationa is of the same quality as other schools.
I let my friends know that I attend a school that is one of the top nursing schools available. Our passing rate for the NCLEX is very high, and I expect to be well prepared for my professional life as an RN. We have an amazing lab to study and learn in here in Bloomsburg, and the professors are interesting to listen to and easy to understand.
When I talk to my friends about Bloomsburg University, the thing that I brag most about is the stellar education program that they offer to their students like me who are looking to persue a carreer in the academic department.
There are couple things that I brag about my school which are the activities on weekends for example, on campus parties, get together with friends. Since my school is known as a party school its fun to go out on a Saturday night and being able to have fun and at the same time being safe. The reason why I say safe is because most of the parties are on campus with security there. Also you dont have to worry in driving back because you only walk back to your dorm or apartment.
The campus is very compact and easy to get around. The town feels very "homey" and isn't difficult to get used to.
My school has plenty of great activities for the students to get involved with. I enjoy telling my friends about the variety of clubs that are available. There are clubs for outdoor activities, art. Science, sports, languages, politics, and volunteer work. I personally chose to join the Student Nurses Association and Developing Ambitious Student Leaders. SNA accepts students currently enrolled in the nursing program and provides opportunities to speak with others in the program as well as for community service. DASL is for students who wish to become leaders in their community and also provides volunteer work and leadership opportunities.