Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania?


The most frustrating thing about Bloomsburg University is the weather. The college is up in the mountains so it tends to be cold a lot of the time. The dorms are not heated very well so you have to bundle up in lots of layers. Sometimes it will be raining and the next minute it will be snowing and then sunny. The weather is very hard to determine here.


I am an out of school student and my parents have bad credit so it is extremely difficult to get money to cover all of my tuition and fees and housing costs.


Not meeting anyone in the school


The most frustrating thing would be scheduling. I am always stressing trying to get into classes and they're always closed. I think Bloomsburg needs more courses if they're going to keep uping their enrollment rates!


My first semester at my school will begin in a few weeks. I love everything about my school as of yet. There is nothing that has frustrated me about it.


Financial aid and general education requirements


for core classes, material seemed to be repetitive


The most frustrating thing about Bloomburg University is that the freshman parking lot is located about a mile or so away from the dormatories. For a freshman to retrieve his or her vehicle from the parking lot, they are either forced to walk up the inclined mile, or wait for the bus which he or she must also walk a bit to get to.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that it is far away from my home. I am a very family oriented person. I wish I could afford to go home and see my family more often. Since my hometown is almost three hours away, I do not go home as much as I would like to.


I feel that the most frustrating thing about the university is that there are limited job opportunities for students. this bein noted, it is extremely difficult to earn money to but essential things or just to have in your pocket. There are many students like myself who search vigorously for a chance to have money to pay for books or just the average expenses that occur in college.