Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Describe the students at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.


It depends on your field of study because there are different personalities for different majors. Many students are average and work hard for their degree. There are students who only come to this college to party, which is really sad and upsetting to others if they received financial aid. Overall, most students are enthusiastic about their pursuing their degree and that is the attitude every single person attending college should have from day one.


Most of my classmates are friendly an helpful.


Liberal social workers who all want to change the world in one way or another


foscused and got their work done for the most part, but most students only did what was necessary and not above and beyond


My classmates are crazy, fun, helpful, hardworking and great friends.


My classmates are generally accepting of diverse viewpoints, and generally respectful of professors and other students even in difficult circumstances, which is a dramatic change from high school.


Most are motivated to do the work needed and are enthusiastic about the classes that directly relate to their major.


My classmates are personable and willing to help.


A University with somewhat focused students, depending on their major, who like to party often.