Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish i didn;t come into college thinking it would be easy., its not its a lot of hard work


I wish i knew what i wanted to major in, instead of waiting so long to figure it out.


more about the surrounding town and lack of transportation available


I wish i would have known just how much money goes into the education. I had an idea but I would have worked harder to get more financial aid and grants because it's stressful not having any money while in school. With me being stressed about my money situation it's hard to manage my bills and school work. It's hard but thats life and I just take it as it comes.


What I wanted to goto school for....


Before coming to school I wish i had known how much aid other colleges and Universities award based on SATS and high school grades/gpa. My SATS were very good as was my high school gpa, however Bloomsburg awards nothing. I wish I had known more about what to search for when looking at tuition and aid. I could have had a lot going for me.


That there was greek life. It's the downfall of the university.


that it was a party school. kids party alot here, sometimes way too much. A little is okay but its ALOT.


I wish I would have had finals in high school to prepare for college. Also, I wish I knew how culturally diverse it was. I hit me hard because I come from a town with very little diversity, and I just would have not been so shocked.