I wish I wouldn't have slacked off so much and would have taken harder classes. If I would have tried harder I may have been able to raise my GPA more and get more scholarships. The moment I knew I was accepted to Boise State I didn't care about school anymore. I just wanted to get out and move to Boise already. I took a lot of easy classes and had an off campus hour every trimester. I should have looked and applied at other schools instead of just BSU. I should have looked at other options than just knowing I could get into BSU and stop caring after that. I wish I would have done my trigonometry class instead of just saying I would and then not doing it and wasting the money. I guess everything happens for a reason.
As a college student now, I now understand the importance of financial aid and staying on top of payments. Everything has a price tag and a deadline. In high school, my parents nagged me to the end of the world to look for scholarships and I kept telling them, "Don't worry, I will get to them this weekend, I promise". Well lets say, I'm still regreting that and I wish I would have listened to them and just looked. My laziness has lead to endless headaches and frustration. And now that I'm suffering, I'm forced to apply for financial aid without much time to work with. If I could go back in time, applying for scholarships would be my number one focus. Unfortunatley, money controls our world . Without money, stress and complications form and misery endures every crevasse of one's life.
Rustyn, the college life is laborious. Your diligence has never failed you and it mustn't fail you now. To succeed in college and for a smooth transition, you're going to have to know thyself. When you finally realize your true potential and who you are, from there you must begin to be optimistic and think positively.
College is a time for personal growth and optimism. Once you've decided what you want to study, you must be thorough in your direction and feel strongly about your major. In order to actualize your academic goals, you must focus painstakingly. Academic soundness is one of the most obvious but crucial things that should be on your conscience. This entails going to class, taking thorough notes, completing homework, studying, and developing a relationship with your peers and professors.
Not only must you think positively but you must act positively. A thorough grip on your physical and emotional needs can provide you with the energy and stamina you need to succeed. These ideas are subtly implicit when you think about it. A good diet, exercise, and positive associations are all extremely important catalysts to achieving enlightenment. Positive actions lead to positive outcomes.
College will not be much more difficult academically than high school, so do not worry about that, nor should you worry about the difficulty of the professors. The only advice you should seriously consider is the fact that you cannot be lazy, a procrastinator, or a class skipper just because Tyra Banks is on during math class. Your first year of college should be fun, but it also sets the tone for the rest of your college career. Failed classes will haunt your GPA until you fix them, which may end up taking more time and effort than anticipated which will inevitably prevent your acceptance into a competitive academic program. So focus, work hard, and get good grades your freshman year, because it will be the foundation of a difficult journey towards your professional career goal. The hard work will lead to great accomplishments, so don?t let bad breakups or ex- best friends ruin your motivation. Don't let anyone or a lack of self drive get in the way of an education that will take you far in life.
College is nothing like high school. Start taking classes the next semester out of high school, even though you have no idea what you want out of life. Taking a wide degree of classes will help you figure it out. The main thing is do not be afraid to fail. You are a very smart and gifted person that can acomplish anything you set your mind to and you know it. You know just how fast you learn and how well your mind works, when you apply it to a problem. The only failure is to never try.
get good grades, study alot, and stay focused. This education is for the rest of your life!
I would tell myself to become more involved with campus activities. The activities not only expose you to various ethnic background but various ways of thinking and doing. This allows for learning things that can not be learned in a classroom. They also connect you to some wonderful talented people that may never be in your classes. Also "don't be so afraid to try because you might fail. " Something good always comes out.
Dear past self,
College is challenging and tricky but here are some pointers to help make life easier. Give yourself time. Time for goodbyes, applications, and even vacation, it is of the essence. Don't settle and reach for your dreams while remembering to believe and stay true to the most important person, you. Our dream college isn't that far away. Logically consider living and transportation arragements. (Actually ALL arragements.) Get rid of any unecessary belongings and pack up the significant ones. Lastly, breathe and enjoy the ride, the future is expecting you!
DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Get the ball rolling, if there are things you need to get done, get them done, if you don't you will only end up hurting your success in the long run. School is part of the real world, don't goof around, take it seriously. Lastly don't depend on others to get things done for you or even to help you, take things into your own hands and just do it, you will much better off that way.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would say one word organization. I feel that balancing study time, social life and work is a true battle. Being organized is a very important factor in actually learning and passing classes. My first week of college was very stressful, but if I had been a little bit more organized I believe that the stress level of that first week and the entire first semester would have been significantly lower.