Cole I have just a couple things to say to you. Shut up and pay more attention, I know you have the potential to be and do great thing you just have to talk less and study more. No more putting off that paper until 10 pm the night before its due if you just put forth a little effort you will succeed you can be a great student. your only holding yourself back If you do well enough now you wont have to pay for school by yourself Its going to be hard paying for school on your own but either way you will know that you made it this far on your own.i wish you all the best with graduation and take more math classes when you actually try you start to get it and you will have a little fun with it too. Work hard talk less and don?t be afraid of being yourself.All the best wishes Cole calvin.
Make sure to take as many AP classes as possible; watch your GPA; talk to your conselor by your sophmore year and figure out a game plan; and do as many community/leadership/and school involvement activities as possible
Don't be scared to talk to other people even if you don't know them. Your neighbors and people in your classes are the best way to start making friends when you are at a new school. Also, get involved! Don't just be one of those people that sit in their room all day. Putting yourself out there will help you learn more about yourself as a person and what it is that drives you in life.
If I could talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to work as hard as I can in school and apply to as many scholarships as possible. I would also tell myself to get involved in organizations and sports and work hard to be a good leader and team worker. It is hard to see when you are in high school, the impact that your decisions will make in the future, but the impact becomes apparent in college and is unbelievable. But even if you get bad grades in high school, that doesnt reflect how your college grades will look at all. Its all about your determination and dedication. And achieving greater things is absolutely possible when you dare to reach for them. High school is great, but college is even better than you could imagine. Its your choice to be there or not, you pick your classes and professors, and you are held accountable for yourself. Its a liberating experience that has great rewards along the way and even greater rewards in the end. Dream big, reach high and you WILL succeed.
Apply for scholarships ASP. Visit campuses that accept you. Don?t consider fast track, specialty or online schools. BSU's great, compare schools; base enrolment decision on classes offered, job opportunities and housing. When your decision is made, enroll immediately after graduating high school. Try to find a place to live and work within a mile of the university. Try not to work and live on campus, being there all the time will encourage less study; it sounds weird but you need distractions that are not found on campus. Become involved in student organizations and try to join study groups with every class. Buy a nice laptop and use it with every class that you can. Don?t make any choices involving classes, jobs, housing, or memberships based on friends or girls. Don?t have a steady girlfriend until after college graduation. Don?t go to any party at a residence; only go to parties that don?t serve alcohol and are in public areas. Buy a nice bicycle and a motorcycle; you don?t? need a car. Don?t go on any road trips during semesters; wait for the breaks. Enjoy life, don?t accept miserable jobs or people!
You have been preparing for college your entire life. All of the college courses your are taking in high school are making you an excellent student. I know it's stressful, but it really is helping you in the long run. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn once you start at Boise State University. Knowledge and networking will help you find a career that you enjoy and one that will support your family. Make sure you find time to make solid relationships with the people around you, because they are friends that you will keep forever. You will have stories to tell forever about your college experience, make them good ones. And stay away from Tuesday's beef chunks; they don't sit well for you.
-Chase Wolfe
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would say experience everything. Enjoy every minute of school. Study harder than you ever have before, because at the end of the semester when you get your grades, it is so rewarding to see that you have a good GPA, and that you succeeded at one more semester of school. I would also tell myself that there are certain peer pressures that do occur, but to ignore them, because in the end the only thing that matters is what you have learned in school. The last advice I would give myself is very simple, make lots of new friends and don't be afraid to meet new people, because the people you meet today could help you out tomorrow.
Make sure you attend all classes and do homework that matters. Learn to use the library early and don't make friends with people who will encourage you to do things that will stop you from being your best. Don't start drinking!
Sarah, as you prepare to enter college; know that there will be many challenges ahead of you that will be beyond your control. You will lose both of your parents in your freshman year. I know this is hard for you to accept. It will be hard to cope through too. You will feel lost and shaken to your core, but you will cope, and be stronger for it. Hold onto your faith.
Your schooling will be put off for seven years while you grow as a mother to your children. Yes, you are a good mother. Serve your children well; don?t worry about losing your place in the world. Your children need you, and you need the molding of character that children offer. Embrace this role fully, despite outside expectations. The time will come for you to return to school and your own career. Don?t hurry it. Trust me. After all, I?m you, but wiser.
Finally, as your time to return to school comes, don?t entertain any doubts. Be bold, you have a bright future ahead of you. Keep the faith girl!
I would tell myself to really buckle down and keep on top of all my work. Once you put off one assignment, they just build up and it makes for a hard time come semester. It's easier to just do the work right away and have less work to make up before finals.