Bu's athletic program is rapidly increasing and I heard through the grape vine that is trying to make a jump to the A-10 which will drastically help all of its other sports. The Men's Hockey games are a huge draw and the show they put on is equivalent in quality to the Bruins. In addition, with addition of our new Head Basketball Coach the program is rapidly increasing as well. Also student support has been surging recently
Hockey is huge at BU! Games get packed and sometimes sold out, especially if we're playing a rival like Boston College.
Hockey is definitely our most popular sport. We won the national championship in 2009 and the games are well attended. Besides that though, you can play intramural sports if you want to play sports for fun. You get to play against other BU students and it's not too competitive, but still fun.
The subject of this post says it all. BU is known for hockey, and has an intense rivalry with BC, as well as any other school. Games are full with all sorts of traditions - everyone wears their scarlet and white, there is the "Dog Pound" of dedicated fans, who usually lead all the chants (with traditional choreographed moves to some chants/songs), there is something about a Hotdog and Jesus? (people dress up in costume), and some guy nick-named Sasquatch who takes off his shirt and runs around when the band plays a metal tune. Yes my friends, it's THAT intense. I would say the BU school spirit is at it's highest levels at the games, including the Beanpot. The BU Band shows up to every game and plays all sorts of tunes to get the crowd going. It is quite a sight, and even if you are completely opposed to sports, you must go before you graduate.
BU has tons of other sports as well; while the men's hockey seems to overshadow everything, the women's hockey team is good. We also have basketball teams that I hear are quite good, as well as soccer. Plus basically every other sport you can think of. If you want to play it, you will find it here. There are also tons of intramural sports, from the traditional to the no-so-traditional. Do you want to play ultimate frisbee? Great. Broomball? Done. Quidditch? Oh yea, you better believe it.
If you have never played a sport and want to, that's cool too. Take a class at the gym from everything between fencing, dance classes, work-out classes, traditional sports, and rock climbing. I highly suggest the rock-climbing. Better yet, take it as a one credit PDP class included in your tuition with those extra credits you have, and get CREDIT to have fun!
And again, Fenway is practically on BU campus, for all you baseball fans. And depending where you live freshman year, you might even be able to watch the game from your room in Warren Towers.
Boston University supports their sports teams. Hockey is the largest supported team at BU. Our main rival is BC and it is always fun to be at a BU vs BC any type of sport game because the tension is there and the hunger for winning against them is very apparent. Most of the time we win because we are better than BC and all the rest. :)
Boston University supports their sports teams. Hockey is the largest supported team at BU. Our main rival is BC and it is always fun to be at a BU vs BC any type of sport game because the tension is there and the hunger for winning against them is very apparent. Most of the time we win because we are better than BC and all the rest. :)
Megan thinks that BU sports have no impact because the only sport that is cared about is hockey.
Ted thinks that BU sports have little impact on the community here.
Mailei discusses what she thinks the impact of sports are on the BU community.
An honest talk about he pros and cons of being on track at BU.
Girl talks about the great things about being an athlete at BU
A field hockey player talks about playing at BU