It's honestly really difficult to answer this question because I absolutely love my experience at BU so far! However, if I had to point out the worst thing, it would be the cost of living. Boston is so expensive!
I honestly can't say much bad about it, except that its honors college is not well run.
What I would consider the worst thing at Boston University is the size of the campus. Coming from a small, middle-of-the-suburbs high school, coming to BU was definitely a drastic change. I would consider this the worst part about BU because at times, you can feel lonely. It is really interesting, because it is not loneliness, as in no one is in your near proximity. Rather, feeling lonely despite that there are thousands of people around you, which is ultimately much worse. The constant cold weather with sunlight diminishing at around 3 PM only proliferate this.
I'd say the grade deflation. It's kind of reassuring to have the curve to fall back on when it comes time for semester grades to get passed out, but we don't have that. It's a bit rough taking home a B and having to explain to your parents that you valiantly for it.
The worst thing about BU is its financial aid. Freshman year was tough but I was expecting to be granted mroe aid as my college career continued however, BU has given me less and less money. Now entering my third year of school, there is no way I'd tranfer even though financially I literally cannot afford my education. Instead of giving me less and less financial aid, I would've prefered if my university would reward me with more and more financial aid as I stay academically focused instead!
it is very clique ish, people are very wealthy and often live in a fantasy, they dont understand the value of money or true hardwork, they just show off and try to beat out their friends
BU spends much of its time promoting itself for prospective students, but not necessarily as much pleasing the students currently there. Some of its administrative rules are pretty strict, but other than that, its a great school!
The worst thing about Boston University is that it is a very large campus where classes can be very spread out. While there will be at least 10 minutes in between each class if you have a back to back class, and teachers are understading if you are a few miutes late, it can still be difficult it make it to class on time.
The worst thing about BU is the length of the campus, which stretches about a mile. The shuttle service can be unreliable, so bring comfortable walking shoes and always carry an umbrella.
Some people may consider the social scene to be a bit dull. The security here is very strict, which means that just about any sort of party has to be held off campus.
The worst thing about BU is that they had no football team. Hockey was the star performer.
The price. And the mice in the basement of the dorms.
The worst thing about BU is probably the size. The huge university makes it difficult not only to meet new people, but also to gain advice from administrators, form a bond with classmates, and to know what is going on around campus. In addition to the population size, the campus is essentially a straight line for about two miles, which can make it difficult to get from one class to the next if they are on different parts of campus.
I would have to say the worst thing about Boston University is the cost. At around $54,000 a year, it makes you wonder how much a college education is really valued at.
The worst thing about my school is the large number of undergraduate students. This is bad to me because it makes for huge class sizes (300+ in some cases), and it is very hard to have a one-on-one relationship with a professor.
Although a respectable institution, Boston University lacks the proper learning atmosphere. Diversity has a notably profound presence on campus; however, diversity of intellect is the one less valuable trait of Boston University?s student body. It is apparent that there are students that reduce the intellectual stimuli in the classroom. Thus, for many students, certain classes fail to inspire or spark an element of academic fervor. In addition, many of the University?s colleges are old-fashioned, containing lockers, old desks and constricting classrooms. Due to the high school reminiscent atmosphere, this moreover, hinders an optimal learning experience.
Every time I turn around small expenses are popping up. Boston University is the epitome of an urban school, right down to the costly price of city living. This includes pricey cereal and subway tickets that are routine necessities I would have a hard time giving up. Just when I think I have covered all monetary items I discovered that two more have suddenly appeared. With tuition where it currently is, small everyday costs really tighten my wallet, not to mention stress me out.
The divisional credits...BU expects you to fit in 8 divisional classes that are supposed to give you a well-rounded education, but after experimenting with Russian and the School of Theatre during freshman year before deciding on philosophy and art history, all I feel is pressed for time, not well-rounded. Plus, when it comes to the lab credit and math class I have to take, I just want to get an easy class and get it over with. And is that fair to the professors who have to teach these classes that no one wants to take?
The large number of students and the caliber of the staff can make it intimidating to try to get to know your professors.
The campus is one long street rather than a usual college campus and sometimes it's a let down not to have more greenery around.