Boston University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Boston University? Is this stereotype accurate?


One of the main stereotypes at my school is that all Asians are smart.




There really isn't a stereotype for students here at Boston University. Students are all very different and are motivated to do their own types of things. I guess the stereotype would be that there is no stereotype for students here.


BU is pretty diverse so it's hard to say that there is one stereotype. Greek life is only 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the school although it does have a presence. Sports is mainly seen in hockey and basketball. And while there are plenty of smart people, not everyone was a valedictorian from their high school.


I've heard positive and negative stereotypes about BU, a negative one being that BU is made up of a lot of rich/international kids with an elitist attitude, a neutral one saying that we're all hockey crazy, and a positive one that we're all in shape? 1/ there are a lot of rich and international kids. Elitism happens everywhere, it matters little what university you go to, and I would say that it's the rich american kids more than the rich international kids, however the Asian population at BU is probably the biggest clique I've ever seen in my life, of course that's me being ignorant because they probably look for other people who simply speak their language at first and then they get talking and become friends. 2/yes. truth. we are hockey crazy. I am in the college of fine arts and even the art students go to the games.\ 3/you honestly don't see many fat people at BU. Not sure why. maybe it's the new fit rec center? so nice and easy to get to that you just need to stay in shape? I don't know, I still gained the freshman 15.


A lot of people that were the above average in high school that did well without trying. People from every corner of the world.


BU students are generally considered to be fun, energetic, and innovative.


There is a stereotype of BU students as mostly spoiled rich girls and bro's heavily involved in Greek life. While there's definitely some of those types, I think the stereotype exists because those kinds of people who are involved in Greek life are the most visible. There are all kinds at BU, most of whom are brilliant and well-rounded individuals. Drug culture exists but is not as prevalent as drinking culture. Athletics are important but not pivotal. Overall, what strikes me about BU is the diversity of type and the fact that despite these stereotypes and the little truth behind them, most everyone is intelligent and interesting.


There are a few stereotypes at our school and within our school. To be honest, though, I haven't really paid attention; one of the most striking things about BU is how different every person is and yet how they all have a place here. Not one person is your typical "frat boy" or "jock" or any simple stereotype.




Many students refer to Boston University as "bejew" because there are many Jewish students, myself being one. I think Boston University is very diverse so I do not think it is an accurate stereotype.


For the most part, people think others at BU are smart, often rich, and from the surrounding New England area--if they aren't Asian, that is. Our international students do, by and large, come from Asia, and there are more of them than I expected. For everyone else, the stereotype holds true for the most part. Pretty much everyone who goes here is from MA, NY, NJ, or CT, and if they aren't from there, then they're probably from CA. People also tend to think people at BU like to drink and smoke. Many people do get drunk every weekend, and lots like to indulge in marijuana, but in my experience they won't bother you if you choose not to participate with them. However, I was surprised by the amount of people here receiving some form of aid, whether work-study or scholarship.


Boston University is such a diverse school with a plethora of colleges that there is not one stereotype that encapsulates an average student at Boston University. However, from college to college they are many stereotypes, but due to the diversity at Boston University and the high achieving nature of all students they are almost always false. A few common stereotypes are that all athletes are in CGS ( college of general studies) which is like high school 2.0. While all engineers are really smart and all they do is study. I know these are false because I am both a member of Boston University's Track and Field Team and a student at Boston University's College of Engineering. All of my teammates are extremely bright and high achieving people in all facets of their lives. And many of my classmates have enriched their experience at BU by not only taking advantage of all the great things in the classroom but outside as well.


Boston University is such a diverse school with a plethora of colleges that there is not one stereotype that encapsulates an average student at Boston University. However, from college to college they are many stereotypes, but due to the diversity at Boston University and the high achieving nature of all students they are almost always false. A few common stereotypes are that all athletes are in CGS ( college of general studies) which is like high school 2.0. While all engineers are really smart and all they do is study. I know these are false because I am both a member of Boston University's Track and Field Team and a student at Boston University's College of Engineering. All of my teammates are extremely bright and high achieving people in all facets of their lives. And many of my classmates have enriched their experience at BU by not only taking advantage of all the great things in the classroom but outside as well.


Boston University is such a diverse school with a plethora of colleges that there is not one stereotype that encapsulates an average student at Boston University. However, from college to college they are many stereotypes, but due to the diversity at Boston University and the high achieving nature of all students they are almost always false. A few common stereotypes are that all athletes are in CGS ( college of general studies) which is like high school 2.0. While all engineers are really smart and all they do is study. I know these are false because I am both a member of Boston University's Track and Field Team and a student at Boston University's College of Engineering. All of my teammates are extremely bright and high achieving people in all facets of their lives. And many of my classmates have enriched their experience at BU by not only taking advantage of all the great things in the classroom but outside as well.


Boston University is such a diverse school with a plethora of colleges that there is not one stereotype that encapsulates an average student at Boston University. However, from college to college they are many stereotypes, but due to the diversity at Boston University and the high achieving nature of all students they are almost always false. A few common stereotypes are that all athletes are in CGS ( college of general studies) which is like high school 2.0. While all engineers are really smart and all they do is study. I know these are false because I am both a member of Boston University's Track and Field Team and a student at Boston University's College of Engineering. All of my teammates are extremely bright and high achieving people in all facets of their lives. And many of my classmates have enriched their experience at BU by not only taking advantage of all the great things in the classroom but outside as well.


There's jocks- the hockey players, basketball players, crew guys, rugby guys, etc. There's also hipsters, which are usually belong the "CFA kids" category. There's frat guys and sorority girls. Definitely some nerds. The stereotypes are usually pretty accurate. People fit their part, but blend into the whole all the same. BU does have many different groups of different type of people, but I feel like everyone mixes in really well. And as far as a general stereotype for just a BU Student, I can't really say that there is one, because everyone seems so unique.


I don't know if there is one, we really have a diverse set of types here


I remember searching for anything and everything I could find about BU during my college-application process, and one of the things I came across was the "stereotype." The stereotypical BU girls are rich and snobby, the guys are either gay or tools. The truth is, especially since BU is such a large school, there exists a very large diversity of people. I find that once at BU, stereotypes are formed more by school (COM, ENG, CFA, etc) but even within schools there are such varieties of people, and I constantly meet people who disprove any stereotypes.


Many people assume that because of the high cost of tuition Boston University students are spoiled brats. However, my experience here has showed me that there is a wide diversity of backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses in the BU student population. The stereotype, although met by some individuals is not representative of the driven and very diverse students that attend this institution.