Boston University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Boston University?

Is Boston University a good school?

What is Boston University known for?


I really like the urban feel of this school's location. Everything is at your convenience. There are late night school bus transportation and public transportation that runs through the city. I think the size of the school is just right, not too large or too small. Additionally, whenever I tell most people I attend this school; they are very proud and congratulate me. However, I do not think this school is diverse enough. The administration's aim to diversify the school is by means of admitting international students from many Asian countries. However, domestic diversity is minute. Most students complain about the science departments, especially the Chemistry department at this school. In addition, some students are upset about grade deflations conducted by some professors.


Boston University is a wonderful university. Its students are academically driven and use the city of Boston as an excellent resource for internship, research, and job opportunities; at the same time, the univeristy fosters a fun and creative atmosphere. We're attending Red Sox games with our discount student tickets, exploring Faneuil Hall's marketplace, seeing Seth Meyers perform in our student union, and more. One of my favorite aspects of BU is its campus: Commonwealth Avenue is lined with Boston University colleges, laboratories, and dormitories, and I know so many people as I walk around the street. We've got a campus feel while being pracitically in the heart of Boston. If I could change one thing, it would perhaps be the weather. Sometimes it can get snowy and cold, but this means plenty of snowball fights! Overall, I have immensely enjoyed my time at Boston Univeristy.


Just a 1 minute walk or t ride from being in boston. Perfect size. Boston in a college city. Great food. people complain about classes being hard or that they get tired of the food but what college doesn't have this.


Boston University, to be honest, was not my first choice of schools. However, once I went through orientation and got on campus, I fell in love with everything here. The academics can be tough, one of the commonest complaints is "grade deflation" - you really have to work for good grades. However, BU holds high standards for its professors and it shows. They pride themselves on having classes that are accessible to students over having top researchers who are simply obligated to teach. While BU is considered a large university it's hard to walk down Comm Ave without seeing someone you know. People tend to be open and inviting if you introduce yourself. It's never hard to find someone to study with or a group of friends to hang out with. BU is a great university.




I love how big the campus of Boston University is, but at the same time it feels small which is good. I feel safe at Boston University, even though it is in a large city.


Obviously, I LOVE BU. I've met a few people who have their bones to pick with it, but I always wonder how they can find any faults with it, because I couldn't imagine going to another school. There's not one best thing about BU. It's all great. It's got plenty of people, but somehow, out of the 16,000 students who go here, I manage to see people I know walking down the street every day. It's in Boston, but not in the city so much. It's right on the river, so you feel like you're where everything's happening, but it's much more of a calm environment as it also borders the residential towns of Allston and Brookline. There's Fenway Park on one end of our campus, and so much all throughout. And unlike some Boston campuses, our location allows us that united-campus feel. It's not broken up by the city. I love all of our local restaurants and pubs along campus. We've got a great shuttle bus to get us around our campus- for free!! Probably my absolute favorite part is that there are so many international students. It's entirely normal to be walking to class, or on the bus, or in the dining hall, and hear students speaking in a foreign language. I love getting to meet people from different cultures and learning about their livestyles. For instance, just from people on my floor freshman year, I became friends with people from India, Saudi Arabia, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. It's such a great experience. Dorm life is great fun; BU also makes an awesome effort at the beginning of the year to get freshman involved and having fun and feeling comfortable with exciting events. Our West campus is great because it's right on Nickerson Field, with the Fit Rec (an incredible gym), and Agganis Arena, where us Terriers cheer on our legendary men's hockey team. There's plenty of BU spirit to go around, that's for sure! When I tell people I go to BU, they always respond with "Oh, that's a good school!" - They have no idea just how true that is!


Boston is a great city. although campus is not contained, everything is enough in the same area that you get a campusy feel without being too trapped. It is however very large and the setup can mean a logn journey to class. The biggest problem is what we call the BU bounce- it can be hard to get to the right office to solve a problem, and can be very frustrating


Before having visited BU, I was completely turned off by the thought of such a large university and an open campus. Being from New York, I had something very NYU-esque in mind - buildings scattered all over the place and not very unified. This is not the case at all with BU. While it is an open campus, it is very unified. Almost all of the buildings you'll find from about 500 to 1000 Commonwealth Avenue are BU owned. While the size may be daunting, keep in mind that BU is a UNIVERSITY, meaning it is broken up into 18 different schools and colleges. I'm enrolled in the College of Engineering (ENG), which is sort of my home base at BU. There are about 1300 undergrads enrolled in ENG (less than ten percent of the undergrad student class), so we get all the benefits of a small college, while still being able to take advantage of a huge university. I find myself never being bored at BU. There is always something going on, and if I DO want to get away from campus, there's always the heart of the city of Boston a hop, skip and jump away. Boston is the ultimate college town. It's a college CITY. It feels almost like an extension of campus. It's not so big that it's overwhelming, and there's always a bunch of things going on. There are also quite a few other colleges in the Boston area, and you'll find yourself meeting and becoming friends with students from other schools. (Don't get me wrong, though - the city is still an escape from campus!)


Far and away, the best thing about BU is Boston itself. From sports, to music, to shopping, to just walking around, Boston really does provide a lot of the fun of going to BU. The trick is finding fun things to do at night before you're 21. Boston is known for being strict on carding, and unless you want to spend a lot of time in frat house basements, freshman year you're best off just exploring some on campus options and spending time with friends. There's usually always a party going on, or a play happening, or best of all a sporting event, particularly, hockey. Really, there's never a shortage of things to do, but you'll be surprised how much time you'll actually end up wanting to just hang out with friends in your room or in the dining hall.


there are so many college students in boston itself, and being part of BU is great. The school is not too big, and its really easy to see your friends and teachers without getting lost in a crowd.


The school has so much to work with and so much to offer. The dorms, if you are willing to pay for the nicer ones, are amazing. You are located in a nice section of the city with Brookline on one side, the river on another, and Kenmore Square at the end. Unless you love hockey or enjoy to watch basketball (even if not the best team) then you will find sports lacking. However, it's not too hard to become a hockey fan when your team is always nationally ranked. You also have a professional baseball, hockey, basketball all within a short distance and a pro football team outside the city. It defines college city with over 50 or 70 something other places of higher education in the greater Boston area. The university is also always building to make BU one of the best places to sleep, eat, and study at.


I absolutely love Boston University and I will admit that I did not always feel that way. I went to a very small high school with about 250 students total so attending BU was a drastic change, to this day I can walk down Commonwealth Ave and see people I have never seen before. So at first this was scary to me, but you begin to make friends and you don't feel like a lost fish in a sea of people. Another thing that made me comfortable at a big school is that the professors are always willing to help you if you need it and that was emphasized at my high school so to have that at such a large school is amazing. When I tell people I attend Boston University everyone has heard of it and knows some fact about it, which is always a great conversation starter. One thing I would change is making the buildings look better, which they are actually in the process of doing throughout campus. Oh another thing I enjoy about BU is the amount of activities you can join, and if they don't already have it you can bring it to campus. BU is very open and diverse.


The best thing about BU is location. In a city but on a campus. People like to claim that BU doesn't really have a campus but those are the people who don't go to BU. We know how it feels and we love it. BU is way too large. Way too large to know everyone and to attend every event and to figure it all out quickly with little difficulty. But it's not too large to find a great group of friends inside and outside of your major. Nor is it too large to meet a massive variety of diverse groups of people from a load of backgrounds. BU as a whole is an amazingly cultured school. People generally confused BU with BC. Make no mistake, we are not BC and we don't want to be. Really, it all depends on your major and what your studying or where you want to go in life. We don't really care about other school, there's enough going on at BU to care about. There's tons of school pride where hockey is concerned. People here go all out


The BEST thing about this university is the location. I am SO happy I went to a school that is in a city. I used to hate cities with passion, but there is ALWAYS something going on, and it's a great place to really expand your horizons. Public transportation makes it easy to get around. Plus, there's so much to DO at the university! With such a huge population you can find someone else who likes things that you do, anywhere from traditional activities like the arts, sports and cultural clubs to more obscure passions like fencing, or knitting club. If you like something and can find 10 other people who like to too, then you can make a club for yourself! Since being here I have taken a rock climbing class at the gym as well as ballroom dance and belly dance, and I've attended all sorts of events. The school is HUGE! I love the diversity - there is so many more opportunities to meet so many different types of people. I go to school in the College of Fine Arts, so I know many artsy people. But I take classes in the College of Arts and Sciences so I meet people form there too, and then I do different extra-curricular activities and make many more friends.People are intimidated by the size - but I think it works to everyone's advantage. You have many more opportunities to find yourself and a good group of friends. Even if you can't find a single person that you like out of the over 16,000 undergrads or so, you are living in Boston with over 100 more colleges in the area. The city is FULL of students! The one MAIN complaint form EVERYONE - it allll comes down to money. This school is ridiculously expensive, and costing more each year with the economy. I had scholarships to other school that almost paid for all my tuition, but I chose to come here and put myself and my family in tons of debt since we were hit hard by the recession. I chose to come here for the superior classes and faculty for my specific major, and I don't regret it. It's easy to look back with regret when looking at bank statements or after a rough day, but the benefits outweigh it all.


BU is a big school, and very urban, so if you're looking for a nice grassy homely campus, this isn't your Elysium. If you like an environment where there's a city hustle and always things to do, then this is your Metropolis. Dorm life has options, from single dorms to apartments to suites. The school is large, so incidentally, the classes are large. This can get cumbersome at times, especially in the Freshman intro classes like chem and physics, but can be helped by visiting professors during office hours. The best thing about BU in my experience has been one of the study abroad programs. I went on the Ecuador Tropical Ecology Program, and it has been one of the most significant experiences of my life.


I like that when I say I go to BU, people know exactly where I go to school. BU has a great reputation throughout the country, but moreso throughout the world. Almost 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our student population is international, so our name really does carry throughout the world. I think the school is a perfect size. With 16,000 undergraduates, you have the ability to make a name for yourself. Through getting involved with clubs and groups on campus, the community becomes so much smaller and more intimate. I love that I can walk down Commonwealth Avenue (the main street that runs down our campus) and see tons of college students, yet see five or six familiar faces on the way. Additionally, Boston is THE college town. We have sixty schools within a ten mile radius and college students make up 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of Boston's population as a whole. The city definitely caters to our demographic.


I absolutely love BU. I think there are a lot of opportunities. I do believe a student has to make an effort to take advantage of everything BU has to offer, but once a student begins looking for opportunities there are a lot of people, both students and administrators, who really want to make things easy for you. I've met so many amazing people at BU and have had so many cool opportunities from studying abroad, interning, volunteering, and things like that, that have made my time at BU so phenomenal.


The greatest four years of my life. I struggled with many challenges, and met scores of people. The faculty and professional staff were nonpareil. I wish more people realized that.


Best thing about BU? You're in boston. It's a lot of ladies! When you tell people you go to BU they're indifferent usually. Depends on which program you're in. Great acting school, great COM school, some schools like CGS really aren't fun though. A lot of parties, which is awesome because there are so many women everywhere. No sense of community really because it's such a city school.