I would tell my high school senior self to be prepared for the end of "senioritis", to save as money as I could and to make an effort to end my senior year as academically strong as I could. "Senioritis" is an epidemic that forces seniors to believe that they can contribute minimal effort in their last year of studies and still get into the college of their dreams. This just isn't true and while I was lucky enough to receive a great amount of need-based scholarships, I regret not putting in enough effort to possibly winning more money through merit-scholarships. As a senior I had no sense of responsibility when it came to my spending and realize now that if I had I wouldn't have had to work to pay off my student dues. Finally, college is no walk in the park. In fact, my first year in college was the first time in my life that I had to diligently study and put effort into my classes. It's a great learning experience for young people like me because it's proof that nothing in life comes without sacrafice.
Enjoy the time you have being a highschool senior, value the freinds you have now but remember that not all of them will remain close as life pulling you all in different directions. Decide what career you want to pursue becasue the earlier you know, the sooner you can take classes towards your major that will interest you. Think of the types of groups and people you want to associate yourself with; while making that decision, not to have your future and best interest in mind. If you are serious about the nursing program, do not slack off. Make sure you do everything it takes to get A's in your classes; college is not like high school, slacking off will not get far. Start finding out your best methods of studying as they will help you adjust to classes in college; it only gets harder from here so take all this advice seriously. Don't be afraid to talk to councelors as they will help you stay on track to graduate. Do not forget to look apporachable because it is important to meet friends as you will need their company to remain sane during this stressful time called college.
I would tell myself that between 2007 and 2009, three of my closest family members would die of cancer, and that I would undergo four major shoulder operations, losing most of the cartilage in both joints. Before this happened, I felt like a kid lost in a big world. These events made me think in a new light about my responsibilities as a family member and as a man in a world full of disease and human suffering. I had to answer a major question: would I live as an observer and a complacent victim, or would I stand up and push back? I had long wanted to play an active role in finding solutions for these health problems; these events moved me to get a better grasp of biological sciences. I added the Pre-Med track to my Management degree, and maintained a 4.0 science and math GPA / 3.93 overall GPA since that pivotal time. I would tell myself that my grandfather's last words to me were true. "There is always a silver lining," he said.
The most important thing I have learned is that the world won't come to you. You have to go find the world if you really want to experience what life is all about. Sign up for a club you really enjoy and are passionate about. Then, on your free nights, sign up for a club you know nothing about. Whenever there is a guest lecturer giving a talk, attend, even if it won't do you any good in your acedemics. When you have the chance to interact with some amazing minds, take it. Don't be afraid to make friends with your professors. Even in your first semester, put the time into going to office hours and making sure you're known. If someone asks you to help them with a project or experiment, say yes; you have nothing to lose. Make time for homework, but have fun with friends as well. Explore your city, you've gone away to college to be somewhere new, so be there. And, if nothing else, mantain your love of discovery. Friends, being away from home, and college life get hard. Remember why you are here: to learn.
Even people who profess their undying love to their alma mater will admit that entering college was not easy. Besides moving away from home, navigating the dining hall, and doing laundry for perhaps the first time, college students must rediscover and reaffirm their values. Here’s my advice: remember that the best friend you can make is yourself. Many students compromise their values to fit in with people they have only known for a short time. My first semester, I sacrificed to make friends, staying up late socializing when I had homework, laughing at jokes that made me uncomfortable, and holding onto relationships that had no true foundation. While one should have many acquaintances freshman year, I should have worked harder to maintain my integrity than to maintain my relationships, for it is better to lose one’s friends than to lose oneself. Therefore, I advise: pursue your passions, study hard, and have alone time. As an older classmate once warned, write down several things you promise you will never do in college, and stick to the list. After giving yourself some time to reaffirm your values, reevaluate your relationships and invest in those that will help you to grow.
“The moment I arrive at Boston University, I would be welcomed by volumes of opportunities and decisions. It is a glaring fact. The very second my shoes hit the campus pavement – I would be my own man. Honestly, this is a pretty exciting revelation – no curfews, no supervision, no constraints at all – but the more I think about it, the more anxious I become. This new world I would be stepping into would be anything but familiar. Not only would I be vulnerable, but I would also be exposed to so many new entities – good and bad alike. For this reason, the one thing I so dearly hope to accomplish as an undergraduate at Boston University is survival.”
Remember? That’s the introduction to the essay you sent a few months ago. As your new journey nears, you know you can never truly be ready, but keep this in mind: (1) You may not be as bright as most kids, but please don’t get discouraged – always try harder. (2) College is a time for learning and new experiences. It’s okay to be cautious, but don’t hold back. (3) Most importantly, stay true to who you are –BU.
Understanding and appreciating the experiences that I have had thus far in my college career, there are almost a million things I would have like to have known beforehand. Coming from a very small school with a heavy emphasis on spirituality, transitioning into college during my freshman fall semester was of the most unforeseen happening –ever. I have learned more in the two years I have completed at Boston University about sacrifices for education. I would prepare myself to sacrifice hanging out with friends, spending money frivolously, and sleeping on a regular basis. Of these three I doubt that no matter how much I prepared I would be ready to live the next four years with at most five hours of sleep per day. In high school and even younger years, staying up late was a cool trend, however as soon as my life in college began staying up late was a necessity. Sleepless nights are indeed unavoidable in college. Having saved my physical health, and having been very much appreciated, afternoon naps are the secret to succeeding in college! I wish I had figured them out within my first week of college as opposed to my first two years!
I will strongly advice myself to be focus and and serious about my education. I advice myself to strive to be the top in my class and to graduate with honors and with a top GPA so that i can be accepted for admission in a very prestigious schools. I will advice myself to college prepare as college is a entirely different from high school.
Looking back on my senior year of high school, the most helpful piece of advice I could give myself would be to take a deep breath and relax. I was stressed out for the majority of the year, and it often tainted my enjoyment of senior activities. I worried that I chose the wrong school, or that I would have trouble fitting in, but that was far from the case. College, luckily, came naturally for me. Of course I struggled with the coursework, but I expected that. What I feared the most was having social difficulties, I was so scared to leave my friends and family. At school, however, it wasn't like I was leaving my family, but rather I was meeting another one. The people I met are some of the most genuine I have ever known, and they are the reason why my transition was nearly flawless. To the Paige of the past, hang in there because it only gets better.
l had graduated with honor student and AP French in May 2010. I decided to to major in Biology to a surgeon as a career.