Bowdoin College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Bowdoin College accurate?


There are definitely people who fit into that category, but just as many who don't. I think that Bowdoin is pretty diverse in terms of academic and extracurricular interests, as well as post-college pursuits. I think we definitely have a larger crunchy contingent than some of the other small liberal arts schools on the east coast.


For the most part, yes. Almost all student are of some combination of this list.


There are many students that do fit this stereotype, but this stereotype certainly does not fit the entire campus. Bowdoin is trying to increase diversity and I think that each class is moving a little bit away from this stereotype.


Though a lot of students fit the description of the preppy private-school kid, not all of the Bowdoin a like this. Bowdoin students have very diverse interests and styles. It certainly fits the stereotype of a heavy drinking school, however. Though there are plenty of chem-free students, a lot of students party every day of the weekend.


NO, granted there are rich students here, it doesn't really show...everyone is pretty chillax. Here, everyone is pretty much on the same level, no matter what socio-economic status.


Although the winters can be incredibly cold, the professors and students here are incredibly warm and support. I have many deep friendships that I have formed here that will last a lifetime.






Yeah, kind of. Definitely a lot of prep school kids who (more or less) payed their way here. A LOT of athletes. also a lot of really outdoorsy people. Basically the only thing to do on weekends is drink, and during the week everyone is really focused on school work- kind of bipolar.


Not at all. There are definitly a lot of different types of people at Bowdoin. Many are incredibly preppy and these tend to overshadow the granola types here. No matter how you would define yourself though, you will be able to find you niche.