Bowling Green State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I knew everything I needed to know.


Maybe just a little more about the programs I was entering into. What all I'd be able to do with my degree.


That the meal plan situation is not good. Its not flexible at all. They're just taking our money.


Nothing I knew and expected a lot.


How to plan out classes without burning myself out so fast. I also Wished i had some one to tell me not to take 18 credit hours my very first semester going to college.


Before coming to this school, I wish I had known that it is more of an education and business based school. I am interested in the medical field so had I known that my school was not quite as concetrated in this field I probably would have chosen a different school that focuses more on medicine. Also, I don't really like the fact that the city it's located in is considered a "college town" and is primarily made up of the university with little else to do around town.


the parking situation


I wouldn't have transferred here if I knew how prejudiced the community was, or how poorly structured the school itself was.


How expensive it actually was all going to be and how long it takes to pay it all back and how hard it is to do that.


I wish I could have found a job instead of attending school.