The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Bowling Green State University-Main Campus is 76%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
First thing I would mention to myself is to organize my priorities and time out very wisely, because it would have helped me so much in the long run. I would have made motivation charts to help me fight to make the best out of my college experience. Introducing myself to new people around the campus, getting involved in campus activities, and enjoying my freshman year. Instead of mourning over my friend?s death and becoming somewhat depressed, I would suggest myself to seek out help and find someone to talk with. I would encourage myself to please, please take advantage of the help around for my classes when I fell behind a little. Finally I would say don?t act as if you are too good for your friends because in the end you will lose one of your closest friends, Lynesha Richardson and your friendship will never be the same again no matter how much time has blown over. Be yourself and please do not get too caught up into the freshman fifteen as well as the college life; because it will break you and not make you if you can not take control of it.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
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What's unique about your campus?
The size of Bowling Green is absolutely perfect. You really cannot beat going to a Division I school while being able to walk from one side of campus to the other in 15 minutes or less. It gives you the big school atmmosphere while making you feel at home in the BG family. Also being at a top division school gives many different opportunities to help boost your career or ust get it started off on the right foot. The size and atmosphere of BGSU is tough to beat.
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Describe the students at your school.
In my major, my classmates and I are very close and it is almost like a family, even with our professors.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Bowling Green State University is a great experience where I have made friends that I plan to have for a lifetime and I have begun learning for my career.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had gained more knowledge in regards to financial aid and overall financial knowledge. I believe, had I known more, I would have worked a little more and saved a little more to put towards my expenses, so I wouldn't be in such debt now. Also, I feel there would have been benefits to getting more involved in campus activities.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Bowling Green has a lot of school pride and has a lot of campus activites
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
My academic advisor was an "in" for me, and was able to get me into any class that I wanted to (regardless of whether or not it was filled at the time of my scheduling).
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
There is a place for everyone here.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about bowling green is how much money it costs and getting all the money you need to stay in school is quite a task.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
School Spirit. Top Education and Sport Management programs.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A white person
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Describe your school to someone who's never heard of it.
BGSU is one of the top schools in the nation. It was ranked 11th in undergraduate education in 2011. It has nationally acclaimed education, business, construction management and political science programs. The main campus is around 25 miles from Toledo, and 30 miles from the Michigan-Ohio border. The school has an enrollment of about 17,000 students. About 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the university goes Greek. There's a lot of Other random facts are: the library closes at 2am during exam week, the bookstore is expensive, buy or rent your textbooks before you show up, there are quite a few hidden fees, the food on-campus is expensive, and we throw ducks for guys in swim trunks in November.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
My decision to go to BGSU was brought on by connections I made attending a tour of the university. I met a few people who encouraged me to come to BGSU and also directed me towards the right resources to help make BGSU more affordable. Making connections goes a long way. I had initially planned to attend OSU but after seeing the amount of funding I received from BGSU the decision was all in the numbers.
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Tell us about your professors.
Overall, I like the professors here. They attempt to tech overall concepts instead of requiring you to memorize dates, people etc. Then again, I'm only a freshman, so we'll see as college goes on.
My history teacher is super sweet. He understands that you reward effort, not just achievement. My Political Science professor does her best to be unbiased in class. It's really difficult to teach politics without your personal beliefs, opinions, and values affecting the content, but she does a marvelous job. My Japanese teacher is, well, Japanese. She's very punctual, extremely thorough, and crazy. Japanese is the only course I've taken that a 90+ year old woman jumps up and down while playing charades; just in order to teach us that "rain" is "ame."
My General Studies Writing prof isn't too bad, I can cut him some slack since he is only teaching an intro-level English course. The only bad teacher I have had this year was my computer-science 1000 course teacher. If you want more info on professors here you can just ask current students about their experience with certain teachers and go to rating websites like www.ratemyprofessors.com to check your teacher's rating out before your first class.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Bowling Green has fairly good-sized classes, anywhere from my smallest class of 30 to my largest class of 150. This is compared to 350-500 per class at Ohio State. All of my professors know my name, but that is because I strive to make myself known. My favorite class is Japanese, simply because i love the language. My least favorit class is compute science however, because my professor is boring. He's the one i dislike the most. But 4 out of 5 of my teachers are good professors. My professors are busy, and i don't spend any time out of class with them. The syllabi are often changed to reflect the speed of the class as well, so the first syllabus you get won"t be final. BG is changing to a new education style based on what employers want next year, so the learning will be much more job-focused.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Bowling Green is a great school! Granted, like every university, it comes with it's ups and downs (the weather here is always terrible, Welcome to Ohio) but overall it's a great place to be. The best thing about the school is the community feeling. While it is on the larger side, you still get to know other students and soon most of the faces become familiar. BGSU has the perfect combination of being big but not too bit. In addition to that there are so many great opportunities to get involved and things to do whether it's just hanging out at the Student Union, eating at one of our great dining facilities, or attending a Falcon sporting event.
P.S: Everyone looks good in Orange
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What are some hot-button issues on campus?
The students at BGSU, although the school has huge education and political science programs, are not politically active in the least. The most hot-button issues I know of are whether or not the food will get any better, whether tuition will drop, and when the front desk will get tips for the pool sticks. Although I may update this answer in the future, for now there are no new, talked about, issues on campus.
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Describe the dorms.
Depending on where you stay on campus your experience may differ. The most important t would say is to look over your housing options early and apply early. At a university with this amount of students it's important to have your name on lists ASAP before they fill up, same goes when scheduling classes. Overall dorm life isn't bad. Just hope you get a roommate you're compatible with but if not you may change roommates within the first two weeks The RA's on every floor as usually very friendly and can help you with any issues you may be experiencing with your roommate or just in general. It';s their job to be friendly and helpful so don't be afraid to ask the, for anything.
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Describe the best and worst parts of the social scene on campus.
BG is a huge party school. That is a good aspect of the social scene for some, a bad for others. For those who like to party and drink, there are several pubs/bars/clubs, etc. just off campus. Finding something social to do besides homework and drinking however is fairly difficult. There is very few social events on most weekends on campus that one can attend, besides hanging out with friends, exercising, and playing pool/air hockey.
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