Bowling Green State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Bowling Green State University-Main Campus?


The most frustrating thing is that sometimes your favorite professors get laid off because of financial reasons. However our president would still get a pay raise.


The dorms,cost of tuition,food,on campus transportation, enrolling in classes


The most fustrating thing about my school is that for students that have parking passes, we have to park in a lot that is nowhere near the dorms or classes where you attend.


The most frustrating thing about Bowling Green State University is the sidewalk routes. Many of the sidewalks force students to walk a little bit farther out of the way to travel along the paths. Students at BGSU have been known to create their own pathways to get to their destinations in a more timely fashion. Occasionally these paths are paved after the university fails to grow grass, but mostly they become muddy messes. The pathways are windings and pretty, but not overly helpful.




The most frustrating thing is the meal plan. It is set up so that there are three different accounts on the meal plan and you can only use one form at certain dining halls at certain times. It is very confusing and annoying.


They did not have Master's degree program to suit my needs at the time. I was looking into continuing my education at BGSU and they said I was looking for a more hands-on program which they did not offer at the time. I am otherwise satisfied with the education I received from BGSU.


There is only one lab with Fina Cut Pro. Many times that one lab has a class going on. This makes it difficult to work on video projects outside of lab time.


The most frustrating thing about school is when all of my exams are in the same week or when I have papers due for every class within a week.


The most frustrating thing about school is that some of the professors talk to fast or have foreign accents. When you are struggling to grasp a concept and you can barely understand what they are saying to explain it to you, it can be quite frustrating.