Bowling Green State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Bowling Green State University-Main Campus?


The most frustrating thing about bowling green is how much money it costs and getting all the money you need to stay in school is quite a task.


The most frustrating thing about Bowling Green can be the dining hours on the weekends. Many places close early and many food items do not get restocked until Monday. Thus, one may have to travel someplace else on campus that does not close until later. Also, it can get really cold and windy during the winter time.


The financial aid office usually is really frustrating to deal with moreso than trying to get all the classes you need to register for.


The most fraustrating thing to me when I get a grade I though would be better. That only drives me to do a step more so that cannot happen again.


BGSU is a 4 year university that stresses the importance of being "green" and liberal minded, this only bothers me because my personal political views tend to be a little more conservative.


I think the most frustrating thing about my school is not getting the help I need from the finanical aide office. They seem to give the run around and often overcharge and add on extra fees. When you call them to dispute things they make you hold and wait forever. They do not seem to have the students best interest in mind.


there is not enough diversity. Minorities have a hard time adjusting to the environment because there are not things suitable for them. i.e. hair shops, clothing stores...etc.


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Have to have a meal plan and live on campus for the first two years, that can be frustrating, especially if money is tight. There's been a lot of construction lately which means change, but it's sort of annoying when trying to sleep at night and there are late night deliveries from loud trucks.


The most frustrating aspect of my school is the finances. I tend so tpend more time working scholarships than I do working on my classwork. I still find the time, though, for my academic workload, but its frustrating to struggle through multiple scholarships before I can even set the pen to the paper for my classwork I received earlier that day.