The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Miami University-Oxford is 65%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Visit each school and stay over a night or two!
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Describe the students at your school.
I don't personally meet my classmates, but who can communicate through emails.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The campus is beautiful; it's exactly what a college campus should look like. The size is perfect, not too big and not too small. There's something for everyone.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Academics are surprisingly good. The professors really show that they care about students. Some class sizes are large, but it's easy to get mostly small classes. I have gotten to know many of my professors outside of class and they really want to help. My major is chemistry and I started to do research with a professor last semester. It's really easy to get involved in research, even early in Freshman year. Students are extremely helpful to one another, and the competitive atmosphere that I experience in high school has been replaced by lasting friendships with other students that I study with. We learn the subject together, but often get of track while talking about philosophical issues.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
It seems as if almost everyone is involved with Greek life in one way or another, be it in a social, service, business, or professional Greek association. Athletics are not very popular and are sparsely attended, leading to relatively low school spirit. The most popular sport is ice hockey, so be prepared for that. There are hundreds of clubs and organizations, so there is really something for everyone at Miami; you just have to be willing to go out and make the experience your own. Partying is a daily occurrence, and people go out every day/ night of the week. Drinking is the main attraction uptown on the weekends. Aside from that, Oxford is a fairly small and boring town. You can find other things to do, such as bowling, movies, and other activities on campus, but be prepared for a heavy drinking culture.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
They can be accurate for some people, but overall it is easy to find many students who don't fit that stereotype. I have met so many nice people there.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Miami University carries similar stereotypes to that of any Greek system. Such stereotypes include the belief that all girls are super hott, all guys are in fraternities and drink excessively, and everyone is conservative, white and rich.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Our general stereotype of students are preppy and rich. There are many beautiful people on this campus, and most students are apart of a sorority or fraternity.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The campus was the most beautiful, the people most friendly and the classes most engaging. The overall community aspect was exceptional at Miami, and I knew adjusting to a responsible college career here would be easy.
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What's unique about your campus?
I love that it is so beautiful. The campus is gorgeous!
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What kind of person should attend this school?
If you are planning on attending Miami University make sure you are responsible, committed and willing to work hard. You must be dedicated to obtaining your degree by attending every class, studying in the library, taking notes on class lectures, attending optional extra class-related activities and knowing your professors. You should be active and interested in trying new things as there are fantastic extra-curricular activities. There is sure to be something for everybody from volunteering, to broomball to Greek life. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities I highly recommend Circle K Club International, a branch of Kiwanis!
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Miami University is a safe and nurturing environment for extremely intelligent and genuine students, who gladly take part in a warm and friendly community.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Nothing. I loved my experience at Miami. We all worked hard, had fun, and made life long friends.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
That there was such a high amount of wealthy students attending that cliques exist here in great amount, drinking is promenent and everybody looks and dresses the same.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
One aspect that is frustrating for some is the lack of cultural diversity on campus. Many people here are white, heterosexual, come from an upper-middle class background, dress in only designer clothes, drive expensive cars, etc. Not everyone is like this, but these students are definitely have a distinctive presence on campus.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I usually first brag about Miami's beautiful campus. From the wooded scenery to the brick buildings and streets, it will forever be my little piece of Heaven on Earth. Then, I brag about my amazing education that I received at Miami. I like to tell people that in the 2013 edition of America's Best Colleges, U.S.News & World Report ranks Miami 3rd among the nation's top universities for its commitment to undergraduate teaching. I'm proud to be a Miami Redhawk.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Partying, Ben Rothelisberger, Hockey, Academics
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
The first thing that made me want to go to Miami was how beautiful the campus is. I used to go here for band camp when I was in high school and I just wanted to go to Miami from the moment I set foot there.
Then I learned it was an awesome school. That made my decision stick. I actually got denied twice, but when I got accepted on the waitlist I instantly jumped at the chance.
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Describe the dorms.
At Miami, students must live on campus their first two years at school. The dorms differ depending on location and if they are part of a Living Learning Community. Living Learning Communities are typically where first year students like. For example, I am in the Celebrate the Arts LLC. I chose this because of my love for theater. Choosing an LLC based on your interests really helps with the transition into college. You are living with others that share some similarities in activities, but also get to meet others with other interests. Dorms vary in sizes and locations, but overall are fairly clean and the rooms (I think!) are pretty large compared to other schools I have been to.
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