Bradley University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Their is not just one popular group on campus, everything is popular because everyone has different interests. Most all students leave their dorm room open unless they aren't there (of course!) but mostly everyone is friendly. The athletic events are CRAZY! Free tickets are given out at times even for the city's baseball team at the beginning of the school year and if something important is going on at the time. Every year there is a Block Party,Taste of Bradley,Activities Fair and numerous other events the beginning of the week to get acquainted with everyone and everything taking place on campus.


If you don't go greek, especially if you're a guy, finding a social life can be kind of hard. The majority of the parties on the weekends are hosted by fraternities, so if you're a girl you can still find things to do but if you're a guy you're pretty much s.o.l. I'm in a sorority and I love it, and I was always friends with the guys before this, so they're definitely not like most people think they are. Any of our sororities are really great. The dating scene is good, but Bradley is small so it can seem like finding new people is hard after a semester. There's a party or somewhere to party any night of the week, but like any campus thursdays-saturdays are the best nights. Bradley has a great orientation program, that's where I met my closest friends. It's a few days long and really gives you the chance to meet kids. I met alot of people through rush and greek life, but you meet alot of people just hanging out in the dorms. The social life and activities are definitely my favorite part about bradley.


I don't live on campus so I'm pretty oblivious to what happens there, really.


The social life here at Bradley, could be a little better, but it isn't. The school just came out with a new drinking rule and the school wants to try and be a "dry" school. Greek life is extremely small compared to bigger schools, but we still have a big impact on the school.


Frats and Sororities are very comoon. 15frats, and 7 sororities. if you live in Heitz--everyone's door is always open...but Uhall on the other hand, their doors are always closed. Uhall is also known as the party dorm.


Greek life is very big. Bad thing is getting less fun because police are becoming more active...if you have that sort of social life. Not much to do on weekends unless you have a car for non-partying activities


I don't know, probably the Greek life; I'm not involved in any groups; probably about a third do. Mine is always open; I know quite a few people who go to all the athletic events, I've never heard of anyone listening to a guest speaker, and a lot of people go see the plays; I am not one to talk about the dating scene; One was my roommate for a few months, one was my neighbor freshman year, and one was in my West Civ and Comp class; watching TV, hanging out with one of my close friends, or outside smoking by myself; I've only been here one year, so I don't really know; well I have a few friends who party probably every day of the week, I have a few friends who only party on the weekends, and I have a few friends (including myself) who never or rarely party; a lot of people are involved in the Greek life, but my friends and myself are not into that; I got this over summer break, so I doubt its relevant; I usually hang out with my other friends that don't drink; I tend to stay on campus, cities scare me.


There are a lot of organizations and programs that students can get involved in. There are sports and clubs, a variety of things to join in for Freshmen coming in to join and any other student to join. These organizations are good ways to keep busy and to meet a lot of knew people.