Bradley University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Bradley University?

Is Bradley University a good school?

What is Bradley University known for?


I love the feel of the campus. It's not huge and it's not tiny. The walk to class in the morning is so short that no matter where you live on campus you can leave within 10 minutes of when your class starts. People are always impressed when you say you go to Bradley. When I wear my Bradley sweatshirt at home, people will actually stop me in the grocery store to talk about the school.


Bradley consists of about 5,000 undergraduates and I believe it's the perfect size. I didn't want to attend a big school but also wanted a school that had enough people with which to interact and share interests. It is an upstanding school that offers a lot of academic choices as well as extracurriculars. The choices are amazing. The campus is small and very pretty - I like the scenery and the grounds are kept very well.


I think Bradley is the perfect size. Students have the ability to become the type of adults they want to grow into. The kind of people that go to Bradley are very nice, but alcohol is still a problem. Alcohol is just a problem every where.


Small class size is beneficial. Peoria is pretty boring unless you're 21. None of the dorms are very impressive. I recommend living at home or off-campus.


Bradley has a relatively small campus and is located in Peoria, Illinois. You can probably walk from one end of the campus to the other in about 10 minutes. Some dont like the small college feel, but I find it rather calming. Being a commuter is definitely not any fun, since parking spots typically fill up after 9AM and stay full until about 5PM. With the recent amount of construction happening, its even harder to find a legitimate parking space.


The best thing about Bradley is the family-like atmosphere. It's not too big and not too small. I really got to know all of my professors and especially my adviser. He worked hard for me to help me get where I wanted to go, but I also had to work hard to get there. Classes are often difficult, but if you fight through it your professors will notice, because they actually know you. They had you in class and often take the time to actually learn your name and understand your goals. Many students do complain about Peoria, but that's only because they didn't give it a chance. Coming from the shadow of Chicago, Peoria can seem kind of podunk, but that's really not the case. The night-life is fun, there are several movie theaters, lots of shopping, many restaurants, a symphony, a ballet, and a fun downtown area with a beautiful river front. There's a large park close to campus. People who say there's nothing to do just don't look.


The best thing about Bradley University is the sheer number of organizations on campus (over 300) and the opportunities that allow you to be involved for how small the campus is. These opportunities include being able to participate in research in certain departments with less competition , creating your own organization easily, internships within departments, more scholarships, leadership positions and much more. It is a great school if you're looking for a school that is small, personal with many opportunities for leadership and involvement.Teachers, advisers and administrators actively try to get to know students, get them involved, make sure you know the material and are on the right track toward reaching your goals. The school is the perfect size if you like small class sizes and not having to walk an hour across campus to get to class. Also Bradley is well known for having a good Basketball team, the number one speech team in the nation and ranking in the top ten in College rankings. People and relatives I have talked to from California, Oregon, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma etc. have all heard of Bradley and are proud that I attend Bradley. I am extremely involved in many organizations on campus so i spend most of my time all over campus. When i'm not in meetings you can find me in campus town at Starbucks or with friends eating at one of the restraunts in campus town or on the Quad hanging out. There is almost always something going on or an organization having an event on campus so you'll never be bored. The only downfall of Bradley is that there is no football team and not much school spirit.


Bradley is a mid-sized private university. The common answer to the "Why did you choose Bradley?" question usually has something to do with the size. With approximately 6,000 students, it is easy to get to know a lot of people, while still not knowing everyone. You usually know at least one person in every class you take, but you still meet new people along the way. The attention from the faculty is also nice. Professors know names and know about students. They know what our extracurricular activities are and what classes we have taken with them.


I think the campus is too small and compact. I think it should be expanded, perhaps even connected to the park. I think the dorms need makeovers, almost all. There should be more activities and interests during weekends. Another thing I really don't like about Bradley is that it is in a crimeful city, and I realize that would be asking for too much, but still, having less crime in Peoria should be a priority.


It is the perfect size. Not to big or too small. We have pretty good athletic teams, except for the downfall that we don't have football. There are tons of bars if you like nightlife. However, not very many of them are within walking distance, so you'll usually always need a cab. If I could have changed one thing about Bradley it would have been its location. The areas surrounding campus aren't the best and pretty unsafe at night.