Bradley University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Bradley University?


The classes are really challenging. You HAVE to read all the text or you will probably fail and homework is pretty rare. Most classes are made up of only tests and quizzes.


There is not much diversity. We are the most apathetic campus so there are never any rallies or political events or protests.


The workload in technical majors is too much.


The parking is the most frustrating thing.


Honestly, having to work with my advisors is the most annoying thing because I have three majors and it is a pain to have to see each one and work around them when I could easily do it myself.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that it takes a while for student's complaint's and issues to be adressed. The school and student body make decisions without always seeing every consequence of what they do. One example is a rehersal space for orchestra, which got kicked out of its on campus rehersal space last year and now has to practice off campus, with little progress shown for moving orchestra back, even though there have been multiple complaints by many members of the orchestra.




The most frusterating thing about the school is that with different degrees when you graduate you are a little limited in Peoria. Peoria is very heavy in business and construction and engineering. But for other majors like music and arts there is not much due to the setup of the city of Peoria.