I would tell myself to take every opportunity that i can in school that would go to my education like applying for alot of scholarship getting good grades so that i can get into a great college or even go to a college that will help me become a great chef and also a tattoo artist.
Leena Kilpelainen be smart. College is a time in your life to have fun. Experience new things. Be joyful. It is also a time to excel. Learn everything. Never say no to an opportunity. Whether that opportunity is school related or not accept it. The people it will bring into your life will be able to influence you and shape you into the person you want to become. By always accepting this it also will teach you how to do your school work efficiently. When meeting other people you might just find that they are expert at a subject that you are struggling with. This has now opened a whole new door that you would never have been able to get a foot in had you not accepted the opportunity. By doing all this it also is going to keep you busy. Stay busy. Down time is good and always needed-but too much down time can be harmful. You start to get bored and do stupid things. Your life gets boring and uneventful. By keeping your life full of activities you will be able to bring happiness to yourself and others. Remember to keep the Adventure Sabbath of Saturday.
If I could go and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have a lot of things to say. First and foremost, I would tell myself to keep up the hard work because it will eventually pay off. Being a senior and having already met the requirements to graduate, it was very tempting to let my work and attendance slide. Being the hard working person I am, I kept going to class and working towards the goal of college, not just working to graduate. What I wish I could tell my high school self to do would be to apply for as many external scholarships straight out of high school, instead of waiting around and instead having to work and take out loans. In the end, there's not much advice I would give myself. I am happy the way things turned out the way they did.
Getting sleep is not very important. Take more time out to have fun with your family and friends. Do your homework later. It is alright if you look very tired the next day. When your sister gets home from school, talk to her. Don't just rush to your room and begin on one of your many study guides. In a few short months you will be so far away from her and will be limited by how many minutes you have left on your phone. Family time is very precious, do not waste it or place more emphasis on unimportant things. There will be plenty of time to make friends and socialize in college.
Apply to more scholarships. Do not waste time, just do it. There are plenty of them out there. Take every extra moment you have and prepare for your future. When you pick up your books and first see your recipt at the bookstore you will regret not having more money for school. Do not over analyze the available scholarships, just pick one and apply. Do not try and hunt for the perfect scholarship, aply to all of them.
The advice I would give myself if given the chance to be a high school senior, I would say "prioritize your time, your money, fill out scholarships and don't take online classes!"
Please work harder to get better grades. I have a few tips that will help you accomplish this. If you don't understand how to do something then get help after class and always put your schoolwork first. If you get it out of the way right when you get home you will still have plenty of time to do other fun things and you will be able to get to bed earlier. This is going to open more scholarships options for you as well.
Dexton. I can't stress enough how important it is that you start applying for scholarships right now. Not only is college is more expensive than you think, but many scholarships are only available as a high school senior. You will have a strong desire to stay out of debt while going to school and this is one of the best ways I know how. It will make life a lot easier for you. The situation I'm in now is far from ideal. Even with taking off school for the summer and working part time throughout school I'm not sure if I will be able to make it so start now. Trust me.
Dear 18-year-old self,Your perceived status in high school may seem like your entire world at the moment. It’s not. Here’s a little secret: no one cares about who you were in high school once you get to college, so don’t let it get to you. Don’t get bogged down with the trivial issues of cliques and trying to fit in. Some of us aren’t shaped for specific molds. Not to worry—you can learn a lot if you branch out and meet a range of people with different interests. (N.B. I know this because I’ve reached out to all kinds of people in the past year, and it’s done me wonders.) Life works out; it’ll get better.Love,Your college self
“Listen Leesha”
If only I could rewind time and choose the better paths. Going back in time and informing the younger and less mature Leesha would be a miracle. I come from an immediate family with parents who barley graduated and gave me no direction of a college education.
If I could go back in time, my number one lecture to myself would be, to not give up at any point or take breaks from college. I have been in and out of college since 2000. I graduated high school in 2002. I attended the University of Arkansas Fort Smith in 02-03, as a freshman. During the school year I got pregnant and married. I then let my husband talk me into stopping so that he could go back. His job did pay for his way and that was the direction I choose in my life.
My regrets are high for a couple of reasons. I was emotionally abused during his schooling. I was repeatedly told how much smarter he is and how he makes more money than me. Emotional abuse really scars a person. My husband and I divorced. Now it is time to finish my goals.
As a high school senior, I would reflect back on the past 3 years and see what I could fix or learn from them. The advice I would give to myself then was to remember my favorite quote, "Life is a climb, but the view is great". From beginning to end, I would work hard by turning in all my assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects on time. Procrastination is a big negative because college work is worse than high school. Now that I look back at my senior year, I should have been more engaged with the student body and in the classrooms. I loved playing sports and so that helped motivate me to pick it up and push myself to have a high G.P.A. throughout my high school years. The point of my favorite quote was that hard work pays off. Throughout the mean time, you have to work hard because in the end, there's a great reward and in this case, it'll be graduating from high school.
Make a plan. The quicker you decide your major, the easier college life will be for you! You can avoid so many negative things such as wasted time and money, and unnecessary courses if you choose carefully. Do something that you enjoy so that the time you spend in college is exhilarating!
Spend your time wisely. Time management is one of the most important things in college! Your priorities need to be set in stone and carried out accordingly. Although socializing can be beneficial, homework is more important than attending that party with your friends.
Eat healthy and stay proactive. It may sound cliché, but it works! You will have the energy and determination necessary to stay focused and on task academically if you are taking care of yourself physically. The body is just as important as the mind.
Work hard and save your money. It is very tempting to spend your hard-earned money on the weekends! You will find however, that if you save that money and use it productively by staying out of debt, you will be ahead as a college graduate.
Finally, STAY POSITIVE! An optimistic perspective will be what gets you that degree!
If i could talk to my senior self, i would tell him that he will have fun in college, he will go to parties and meet lots of people, some will become great friends. I will tell him that he will become a fine a athlete. I will assure him that he will be popular, and that all the things that are important to him now as a senior in college are being fulfilled, but i will also tell them that he is not as happy as he'd hoped. I will tell him that his grades aren't very good, and that he is struggling finacially, and that his mom is not able to support him anymore, and all the things that you thought were important as a senior in High School aren't really important to him in college. I would tell him that he trying really hard now as a sophmore in college to get good grades and to seek financial aid, and work to support himself, but it's a bit to little to late. So my advice to him is to remember you are not a kid anymore, and real happiness comes through hard work.
If I could go back in time and give the high school me advice about college, I would let her know that nothing worth having comes easy. Being able to go to college is a privalige that many are not awarded, and for someone to take advantage of it and not put forth their best efforts is just a waste of time. I would tell her to work hard from start to finish and not to give up when it starts to get hard. That her victory and accomplishments will mean so much more because she did it with effort, blood, sweat and tears along the way.
I think the students studing in America study hard. In Japan, many college students do not study very much because they do not have a lot of homework and do not have to go to all classes. On the other hand, we studing in America have a lot of homework and we cannot be absent many times. At first sight, Japanese college is better than American,because Japanese college seemes be more at ease. However, I think an just easy life is worth nothing. Japanese students go to their school for only thier credits not for taking lectures. What is a difference between American college and Japanese? I think it is style of classes. In Japan, the students just listen to lectures of their professors. To tell the truth, it is very boring. In America, we can take classes while communicate with our teachers. Sometimes our teachers ask us the import of what we talking about at that time, becouse they check if the students can understand, sometimes the teachers let us discuss. I think those are reasons that we can grow up. If you want to study more hard for your future, you should study abroad.
If I could have the chance to go back to my high school years, I would tell to myself that I should be much stronger and happier than I could ever be. During my high school years, I lost my mom and I was struggling to know what I should do and who I should become in my life. I want to tell myself that I need to take the responsibility of my life and live my life. I want to make myself believe that no matter how bad things happened to me, I can still be happy and I can still make other people happy. In other words, I should not let others affect me negatively. Because I know now that everybody faces some kind of trials but it is my responsibility to face my own trials and deal with them. Trials are there to make us happier and stronger and not to make us loosers!
First of all, I would tell myself to do the best I could and get the highest grades possible. I remember hearing this all the time when i was in high school, but it wasnt until I began attending college that I really realized that the better grades you have, the more doors you have open to you. I would also tell myself to not be afraid of taking time off from school to travel or to work. People now days often say to graduate as quickly as possible and start working to make money. Although this is not bad advice, it is important to enjoy the journey and have unique experiences that will be educational to you for the rest of your life. Some things cannot be learned in a text book. Last, I would tell myself, or anyone preparing for college, to enjoy the ride. life is short, tyet very important. Work hard, but always make time to appreciate the adventure life is.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, the main thing I would tell myself would be not to worry so much about what I want to eventually do. That's what the beginning of college is for. Counselors, advisors, and trial and error will all help you to decide what you want to do. Many students who decide on a major before they begin college end up changing it anyway. Instead of constantly stressing over this, just work your hardest to do the best that you can academically now. Work hard to earn up some money and scholarships before you head to college as well. As you take your general education classes, make sure that you set aside plenty of time to study and really know the things that you are learning. Make sure that school is a priority over your social life. There will be time for that as well, but you want to be sure that you do the best that you possibly can with your projects and assignments. Work hard in school but if it gets overwhelming, definitely do not be scared to take a break. That could help you more than anything.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself to work hard for want you want because nothing will be handed to you in life. Make sure you are always honest in your doings with your school work, professors, and fellow students. Make sure you always try to help others out in anyway you can because you never know what might happen down the road when you need there help. Always have repsect for your professors because they spend so much time preparing lessons for you to learn. Seek council in all your doings for others may see things that you may not. Listen to there advice especially to the ones who have been there and done it. When you set your mind on goals give everything you have to acheiving your goals. If you wanna make a difference in your life you have to make the change. Dont let people opinions of you get you down. Take them with a grain of salt and endure through. No one ever said that school and life was easy. But i can gurantee that hardships are worth the end results!
If I could give me an advice of what I will experience in college, I could say to me to be prepared, because the professors aren’t the same as they were in high school. It’s up to you to have the material and to be prepared for anything in the dynamism of the classes. One of the most important advices I could give to myself is to have a good and efficient studying plan, I think this is very hard when the students arrive to college without knowing the correct orientation about this. Another advice I could say to myself, is to have the sufficient knowledge of the career or bachelor degree of preference, I think that would help you know what you will experience in the future. Knowing some techniques of designing will help you in what you will confronting. I would ask myself if I am prepare of taking this bachelor degree in architecture, having in mind that all my life I have experienced all about drawings and methods of designing.
I must admit that I wasn’t a great student in high school; sports were my main motivation and not grades. However, I learned fast that sports are important nevertheless grades are the most important thing after learning. We go to middle and high school to prepare for the college life and experience. If we don’t take the advantage of getting prepared when we can, we will suffer during our first semesters in college. Make sure you be friends with those that take education seriously and know what they want to happen in the next 5 years of their lives. Set big goals and small ones, as you accomplish your small goes it will lead you to achieve your dreams. Your goals won’t come to you; you must go to them with hard work. College is a preparatory phase to the rest of your life, depending how you apply this experience to your life it will reflect what kind of person you want to be.
If I could go back, I would tell myself to start college a lot sooner. The benefits I've recieved from not only the schooling, but how myself as a person have greatly changed for the better. I get to work on cars which is something I dreamed about as a kid. Going to this school has giving me hope that someone who grew up with barely the basics to get through, can make something of themselves and not end up going down a path of wrong and misfortune. I as a person can show others that going to school is absolutly possible no matter where you from or what you have you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.