Brigham Young University-Provo Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Dating at BYU is amazingly unique. You have the smooth talking "sharks" who are looking to "hook up," meaning make-out at BYU, and then you have tons of dudes that are super nice, but too chicken to ask a girl out so they don't get too far with the ladies. Either way, dating at BYU is pretty much spouse hunting, it's funny to watch and scoff at.....until it happens to you.


Since drinking is against BYU's Honor Code, most (I say most because there are the exceptions) activities do not involve drinking. Fraternities and Sororities are not important at all becuase I don't know of any that exist. It is very popular to go to BYU athletic events (football, volleyball, soccer, baseball) on the weekend and during the week. Because of the LDS culture, dating is on all of the single students' minds. Men and women students take it seriously and over-react on a lot of occassions. Activities that you can do on the weekend include hiking, going to movies, bowling, and going to SLC for activities (45 min drive).


Every Tuesday we get to hear devotionals from big people on what's up. you have to experience the dating culture to understand it. No parties, at least party parties. Lots to do outdoors, social life rocks.


When I lived in the dorms, my roommate and I always left our door open. It was pretty typical to leave it open if you were not doing homework. Also, so many students are very trusting so you would occasionally see room doors open with no one inside.


Football is very popular and so are the other sports. Lots of dating goes on. I met my closest friends in the dorms. A small group of people go out and party regularly but most students study or go on dates on the weekends. There is no drinking at byu.


dating at byu is notoriously ridiculous. group dates, blind dates, and 2- month engagements are all common. it's a really big deal here. it's fun, but it's different from most places and the stereotypes where this is concerned are true. normal dating also does exist.


There is something for everybody. There's always something going on. It's great.


Great social life, not much partying. No alcohol or drugs. Huge dating scene.


There are LOTS of things to do on campus, from intermural soccer to salsa dancing to creative writing club. The BYU student council does a really good job of hosting a variety of activities. The dorms are really social, and off-campus living is even more fun.


BYUSA is a very popular club on campus. There is a lot of school spirit here and so athletic events tend to do very well!