Broward College Top Questions

Describe the students at Broward College.


My classmates at Broward Community College are from different nationalities and cultures all with the same goal of getting an education, so they can either transfer to a university, start working after finishing 2 year degree, or enroll in one of our health science programs as a nurse or dental assistant/hygienest, etc.


My classmates come from all over the world, of all different ages, of all different backgrounds and with many different life stories that make each and every student successful.


My classmates in my class are different from my classmates in high school. My classmates in high school were wild and crazy and were kids my age. In my class in college there are students ranging from different ages, there are grown up like my mothers age in there, there also mature, know how to focus and just to them self and there education.


My classmates were very friendly. Always want to help out people who are lost and are in need of help with any assignment that I feel that I'm stuck on.


There are many different campuses to choose from and they promote a friendly learning environment.


Unique bebause everyone has there own tale because i just met a girl from IL who came down here to live with her family. i thought this school was just going to be filled with florida kids.


There is a sense of comaradarie when speaking with my classmates at Broward College. Everyone is there to help one another out. It could be finding a building, recommending a professor or even sitting down and helping with homework, my classmates are inviting.


My classmates are unique, diverse and I have learned a lot from them.


My classmates are great. If I take a class in the morning, most of them are teenagers. The students who work, usually attend classes at night.