Bucks County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bucks County Community College know before they start?


For some students, it's exciting. For others, it's shear fear. If you are looking to enhance your lifestyle or just make minor adjustments in helping to boost your career, then continuing your education at a community college is something to consider. There are so many areas of study for you to choose from like nursing, police administration, and education. Going to college can seem scary or a waist of time, however, continuing your education at a community college will only help make you stronger and successful. By facing your fears of going to a new a school and taking test all over again, will make you a stronger person. Fear is the most powerful force you have over yourself. You can not let fear get in the way of the things you want, otherwise, you are doomed in moving forward in your life. Once you have completed the task of facing one fear, the others become a little easier, therefore, making you a stonger person. When you complete your degree, or just a class, success has been acheived. There is no greater feeling than that, and you will feel empowered. Fight the fear. Aim for success.


Honestly the only thing i would change is to take senior year more seriusly, i love the college system, i don't mind the work, so i would tell myself, get through senior year and really work hard. i would know then that senior year is really the last year of waking up at 5 in the morning, going to school 7 hours a day, and going all week! Knowing that college is more freelance is awsome. So i think i would of enjoyed senior year alot more then i did knowing what i know now.


If I had a chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know from my college life, there is some advice I could?ve given myself. My advice would be that there?s no time for slacking because every thing you do for your senior year is more important than any other work you?ve done in the past. All the work that you put into school will determine whether or not you graduate. For instance, you need to study for all quizzes, do every homework/class work assignment and project that you get, make sure that you done all the work to the best of your ability and hand the work in on time. When you get to college, your presence and working ability are going to be your two main responsibilities to maintain while your in school because there?s no one in college to really give you second chances and baby you all the way. You really have to focus, work harder than you ever have before and always be present and on time so you wont miss anything and wont be dropped from your class.


In high school the college workload seemed insurmountable. Multiple 3-page essays due on a single day, exams that last 3 hours, and teachers who don't coordinate how much homework they're giving you? No, thank you. At least in high school you knew the work will never overwhelm you unless it was your own fault for not doing it. College was the prospect of having an all-nighter every night, and not because of procrastination problems! The workload really isn't that bad at all, I'd tell myself. You have more to do, yes. But you have a lot less busy work to do. Class time isn't wasted as much, either, and professors are cool about letting you get started on homework even before you leave. No one holds your hand, but it gives you a lot more leeway to develop the style you best work in. Bottom line: learn now how you best work and keep at doing it. It will make college much less daunting!


One important thing to remember in high school as a senior is to take everything your teachers say literally. They have been through college and know what is ahead of all seniors that are going to attend college. Do your best in high school. This last year of high school still counts. It is not a time to relax and slack since it is your last year. Take your time at everything you do and do not rush through things to get it out of the way. College is not for everyone, but it makes a great difference in the future. Take the time to think about what you want to do in the future. You are making a very important decision so make it worth the thought. Do your absolute best and do what you think is right for you.


The best advice I could have given myself was to not listen to other people and tell myself I can do it! I didn't believe in myself enough and that is half the battle. I was 17 in 1977. Going to college after high school would have changed my life. At 49 the transition is scarier than at 17. I would tell myself that I have my whole life ahead of me and that I can do anything. Believing in yourself makes all the difference. That's the difference between now and then. At this stage I know I can do it. At 17 I should have known I could do it. When you are 17, you have all the time in the world to go to college and make a life for yourself. At 49, you have to play catch up. I would have told myself that I should trust in myself and believe in the possibilities. At 17 the possibilities are endless. At 49 they realistic.


Often times I wish there was a way to could go back now at age 20 to when I was a senior in high school. At that time I felt like I could rule the world, and I meant it. I thought that because I was mainly interested in drawing and painting that I did not require a college education. As soon as four months after my high school graduation I started to see that my initial view toward college was all very wrong. Though I am working hard at my college education now and planning on going to Savannah College of Art and Design in the fall, I would have told my 17 year old self to start working on getting into college now, and stop blowing the money that you are making at Perkins on over priced coffees and trips to amusement parks. I would have told myself to save as much money as possible so that you won't have to work so hard when you are twenty and you will be able to focus on school. Also I would have said apply to an art school now so you can start working on getting your degree.


If I could go back I would tell myself that there is nothing much that you can do to prepare for the real world. All that you can do is your best and to participate in as much as possible, in order to get the scholarships before graduationg. I would tell myself that college is fun and you meet so many new people and that everyday you learn something new whether it be in school or about yourself. You have to work hard because the best things in life are not free and nothing is worth having unless you worked for it yourself. I would also tell myself to keep my grades up, this isn't intirerly important but it sure does help. The most important thing is to just take it all in and just breathe, be proud of the fact that you have made it this far, and good luck.


If I were to go back in time to when I was a senior there are a few things I would tell myself. First, I would have stayed for my senior year instead of starting college a year early like I did. There a lot of things I missed out on by trying to get ahead. I would have gone away to school instead of going to a local college. There are a lot of expirences I missed there as well. And finally, I would not let myself take a couple years off like I did because I would be working on my Masters now instead of finishing my bachelors.


When I could go back to my high school times and give myself an advice I would definetly put more effort in studying, I would also learn how to read everything that concerns me because in college life there is a lot going on and you have to know certain stuff, If you don't read you may find yourself lost. Teaching system in college is completly different than in high school, here going over one chapter in book takes half the lecture while in high school it takes few days of a class. Everything is going faster, there is more stuff to learn, more things to be memorized. Also lots of things are being repeted from high school classes and now I regret that I didn't pay enough attention on them. College life costs a lot of money, so I would sugest for high school students to find a work If your parents are not rich enough to pay your expenses, commuting, food, books, classes, everything is expensive.