If I could go back and talk to my high school senior self, there would be numerous of suggestions I would make. But I believe the most important would be: "Just do it!" . Take every opporunity given to you in college and expierence it. Whether it be thinking about studying aboard or taking a class out of your major because it interested you, do it! Do not limit the amount of expierences you can recieve by meeting new people, traveling to new places or by even taking on a new major. There is so much that is available to us during college and sometimes we get fearful of things out of comfort zone. But by expierence new and exciting things we find out who we truly are, what we want out of life and how we can become better indiviuals for the world.
Going back to my senior year, I would definetely have pushed myself even harder to aim for a higher gpa and make sure I applied for more scholarships due to the cost of attending college. I would have trained more for sports and make sure that I would have been more involved with activities for college and would have definetely tracked and managed my expenses. I would get to know more schools and do research on how to be able to save more money. I would also have gotten a job for the summer and be more prepared for what was about to come, emotionally and mentally wise.
The advice to give myself would be to get everything prepared ahead of time and put myself in the mindset that I am transition into an adult who is going to be responsible of living on my own and getting my academic work as well as other stuff done without a parental figure there to tell me what to do. I needed to realize that I was not going to have my parents there to remind of every little thing that I need to do. Also, with the transition, I would have told myself to get everything done, such as paperwork and financial aid, ahead of time and not procrastinate as much as I did. That definitely put me at a disadvantage because I had to get all of that done when I was supposed to be meeting new people and participating in other orientation activites. Looking back, I wish I would have seen all of the errors and wrong paths that I decided to take, but without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. It is true, one does happen to learn from their own mistakes which I feel only makes you a stronger person.
Make this decision for yourself. You don;t know where you will be in a few years. Even though you want to declare a major take core 21 classes first. Decide what you really love by trying a little bit of everything.
I would tell myself to keep up the hard work because it will all pay off in the end. Go to school to learn something that you are passionate about and you will succeed!
I would tell myself to be more independent and more focused. If your in class and you need help just raise your hand and ask for it or ask questions to more understand the problem, dont be afraid if people will laugh at you for not knowing something because i bet they didnt know it either. when your at home really study and focus on your work, dont get destracted, make sure all neccessary work is completed and turn of tv and have quiet to yourself. Have fun be apart of school activitys learn more and take school importantly. Most importantly try hard dont give up when the going gets tough keep going and remember life only gets harder and harder. Take responsibilty for your own actions dont blame anyone but yourself if you fail something blame you. study more and work hard because your education is the most important. graduate high school and feel happy that you succeeded and know that you did your best and you tried hard. your education is the success to the future. be ready for college because its not easy. love life. always remember that school is for you no one else. Cape Deim.
Dear Young Me,
The first and most important thing I want to tell you little Richard is: STAY IN SCHOOL ! Do not chase Lisa to Idaho to waste your best years partying. You will need all the brain cells you have to deal with life on life's terms as a real adult someday, believe me. Use those early nineties years at ventura college to practice focusing in class and disciplining yourself to stick to a study scheldule. Your social life and carving a niche in the pecking order of your friends pales in comparison to the importance of your education. Even though I have made a lot of money in the trades over a fifteen year period, my body paid a significant price. Use your mind, believe me you are smart enough!
Secondly, do not be afraid to take your higher math classes, you love it. I now know my career path is working with numbers as an Accountant. Remember, only at the edge of your comfort zone will you find pesonal growth, so take chances Rick!
The last thing i would like to convey to young Rick is that hard work and perseverance can conquer all obstacles.
I would have told myself to keep calm. Stressful times will occur but things will get better in the end. Also to make sure i always stay in tuned with what homework and tests I have coming up.
The emphasis on education for a student entering college should be placed on their amount of passion for a certain subject, rather than on the amount of money a specific degree promises them in future salary. The greater amount of passion a student has toward a certain subject, the better they will be able to perform. Not only will information be better retained, but the student will have the advantage of loving the career that they will obtain in the future. A college graduate who strives to obtain something that they are motivated to achieve will have better opportunities in their career for advancement. Whether an individual makes their way into a high paying job, disliking what they are doing, or enters at a lower salary position and working their way up in their industry, the college graduate will eventually end up in close to the same wage bracket. The college graduate who strives to obtain what they love will be far happier with the outcome of their college path.
I would tell my self to try harder and do a lot of reading. As a high school student I was not forced to do the assignment, I did do them but not the best I could. I would prepare myself more by doing more research on my own and also a lot of community service.