California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how much of a party-school this is. I also wish I had stayed at my community college, but that is just because of finances.


Nothing really...I was really well informed before I came to school.


Studying in college is much different than studying in high school. I should have put more emphasis on my studies my first quarter. But now that I've learned my lesson, I feel prepared for my future classes.


Nothing. Cal Poly has a very good introduction week that teaches students about the school and the town. Also most professors are very helpful to freshman as far as helping them feel comfortable in the new environment.


I would have liked to have known how career oriented it is. I went in uncertain of my future career or the importance of my major selection. It is difficult to change majors, which is fairly frustrating to someone that wants to explore different fields of study.


I with that I knew how hard I needed to work in school to get by in school.


How little ethnic diversity there really is, how deceptive their advertisements are, and how little say is given to students, the very people the school is meant to serve.


I wish I had known that choosing a major is a big decision, and Poly makes you choose when you apply. Choose carefully because chaging majors at Poly is like being the main attraction of a three ring circus: lots of hoops to jump through.


I wish I'd known how hard it is to get classes and also gotten some study tips for the transition between high school and college studying.


... Can't think of anything. I feel like I was thoroughly prepared.