The fall 2020 acceptance rate for California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo is 29%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Cal Poly has been a huge blessing to me. I have learned to learn. In high school, it was about grades and simply getting homework done. Now, school has become an avenue for pursuing knowledge about the world around me. I look at the world through a new lense with every class I take. From stopping after geology class to wonder how that mountain might have formed to getting out of design class and admiring the beauty of a building, college causes me to appreciate the world around me that much more. I look forward to continuing my education and hope to use it to give others an appreciation for the world in which they live.
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Describe the students at your school.
Upbeat, enthusiastic, knowledgable.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
... Can't think of anything. I feel like I was thoroughly prepared.
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What's unique about your campus?
This school has a great value for the education you get. For example, an engineering major that gets an engineering job can pay off loans very quickly. Also, if a student decides to pursue another path, they aren't left with loads of debt and a burden to go for a high-paying job. Money shouldn't be that important, and it's nice that Cal Poly allows students to live that way.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Cal Poly pushes students to do their best, succeede, help others, and learn by doing hands-on projects and assignments.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
I wish more ethnic minorities would attend, but unless changes happen, I find it hard to attract minorities to Cal Poly. I think they should attend this school, but it can be hard because they most likely won't be comfortable.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My School is best known for its "learn by doing" motto. There are many in school projects and assignments that allow students to receive experience in their classes. It is a fun school, that provides a lot of learning experiences that allow the students to have fun and learn at the same time. Cal Poly has a gread agricultural school, and has many classes that help students learn more about agiculture, as well as the environment. It also has a nice clean campus. and a comfortable learning environment. Also it is located in a beautiful place.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Personally, Cal Poly offered me a chance at an education that rivals renowned engineering schools, such as MIT, for less than half of the price. I'm getting a top tier, hands-on academic experience that will prepare me for a career directly out of college. In addition, San Luis Obispo is known as "The Happiest Place in America" according to Oprah. It is a beautiful, nurturing environment that allows students to experience a college town in a location that has so much to offer outside of the classroom.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
How far away from home it is because I live amost 12 hours away from school and only have the money to make it home twice a year.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Due to budget cuts there are not enough classes being offered, so many people find that they can't graduate on time, or they cannot create a schedule that works well for their lives.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Any kind of person could attend Cal Poly because of the large variety of clubs, activites, and jobs on campus that match each personility type.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
No need to brag; it's already known that Cal Poly is a great school.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Cal Poly's definitely a college town - students make up about 1/2 of the city population.
There's a lot of school pride, especially at sporting events, and you can't go a day without seeing someone in a Cal Poly shirt/hat/sweatshirt, etc.
We've got a few quirks on campus, for one: never expect to be able to drive anywhere on campus at the top of the hour. It's impossible. Classes get out at either 30 past the hour, or at the top of it, so that's when foot traffic is at it's highest. Another to do with driving parking: finding a spot to park in on campus is virtually impossible as well; permits are expensive, and spots are limited and generally not close to where you'd like to be anyway - it's really much easier to bike or walk anywhere you need to go.
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What are the academics like at your school?
The professors are generally good people who all try and at least know your face, if not your name. One professor this quarter has a bet about knowing all our names by a specific date, and if he loses he'll get us a pizza party, so they're definitely human too.
I've taken a lot of scattered classes from having switched my major, so Intro to Interactive Gaming was pretty unique, Equine Management, and a bunch of sport classes (soccer, flag football, aquatics, bowling etc.) are offered every quarter, and know there are a ton more out there.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
College is not like high school with a bunch of cliques and stereotypes. Much of your friend base is from your freshman dorm and what clubs you're involved with. If you're willing to meet new people and be friendly, you're guaranteed to make friends as everyone is welcoming.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
I am at Cal Poly Pomona, as I told the site.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I chose Cal Poly because it was the perfect school for what I was searching for. I wanted something that wasn't too close to home, but not far away. I am not 2.5 hours from home and that's perfect. I also wanted a school near the coast. Coming from a small town, I also wanted a small town type of school. I believe Cal Poly and SLO offer that. I also wanted a school that allowed me to excel in my major. I can complete my history degree in four years and then one year of grad school and I can teach high school. Also, who can beat SLO's view?
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What do students complain about most?
How hard it can be to get classes! You are given a rotation number (1-12) for registering for classes. If you have a later rotation it can be very difficult to get the classes you want. This is especially hard for freshman because you can't use any of your 3 priority registrations until your sophomore year.
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When you step off campus what do you see?
Cal Poly is in such a beautiful location! Right outside of campus is Bishop's Peak, which is a beautiful place to hike and see a great view of all of San Luis Obispo. If you drive a short distance, you will end up at Avila beach, or a little further south, Pismo beach. If you go downtown you will see plenty of places to shop and restaurants to eat at. On a typical night you are sure to find Cal Poly students eating at Woodstock's Pizza or Firestone. Something you won't see in San Luis Obispo is drive-thrus, since they are banned from the city.
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How often should I phone home? Is once a day too much?
I tend to call home once a week. When I was first starting out at college I wanted that independence so I rarely called home. Since I'm in my second quarter now I call home about once a week, sometimes even less because I'm incredibly busy and sometimes don't remember until very late. I am missing home a lot more this quarter though. Not sure why but I am counting down the days until Spring Break.
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