California State Polytechnic University-Pomona Top Questions

What kind of person should attend California State Polytechnic University-Pomona?


Students that are looking for great hands on learning in a small setting should attend the school. The school is competitive, but offers great learning experiences to their students through smaller classes and one on one experiences with professors. The school is popular for its technical majors, and students pursuing engineering or architecture majors would feel right at home on this campus.


A person dedicated to achieving success in college and future career with their degree. A person that understands the value of an education even if the cost is less than most 4 year univeristies.


Any one should attend this college.


Cal Poly is a great school that accomedates for a variety of students. I believe anyone can do well attending this university.


This school is perfect for the person who seeks the luxuries of the more prestigious universities within a smalller campus community. The quality of learning is tremendous as our engineering deparment is ranked nationally as one of the best in the nation. A recent fact has even shown that one out of every five engineers are hired from California State Polytechnic University - Pomona. A person that is goal oriented, focused, and social will love their time spent here at the university.


Someone, who is not easily distracted because there are many paper work and projects


The kind of person that should attend this school is one that is interested in engineering or architecture. This school is know for having the best program to prepare for those carreers mentioned above.


Someone who enjoys a hands on learning experience. Someone who would like to be apart of a college community.


person who wants to improve their career knowlede and skills.


An environmentally friendly individual who is both working and attending school