My college experience so far has made me realize I am a worthwhile person. I came out of high school with a lot of self-esteem issues, but college has increased my confidence and made me like myself for who I am overall. It's given me a feeling of empowerment, the knowledge that I can do anything I set my mind to, and that if I fail, at least I tried my best, and that's all anyone can ask for. Because of this, this last month I've been doing a thirty-day workout program, rehearsing for a play, and participating in National Novel Writing Month, all while juggling school, homework, and a part-time job. I definitely couldn't have done all that before college.
I have learned responsibility, perserverance and committment during my college experience and this continues to drive me to achieve more academically.
Through my first year at college I gained new friendships with people who in high school I may not have talked to. I also gained more knowledge of the different cultures and people that live around me everyday. I feel it has been valuable for me to attend college because I gained more knowledge in my life and also some more common sense that I didn't already possess. I learned even better that the color of ones skin doesn't necessarily label them right off the bat and that it's better to get to know the people outside of their skin color.
The reality of life.
My college experience really taught me the most about myself, more than anything. I am so grateful for the teachers that I have had the benefit of working with because they have allowed me step outside myself and see the world on a greater scale. I was planning not to attend graduate school until one of my professors that I volunteered with encouraged me to do so. He advised me not to sell myself short and to maximize my potential. So yes, maybe the classes were overcrowded and some of the teachers were less dedicated than others, but the support from those teachers that did care has been life-changing. After a year-long break from school, I will be starting a doctorate program Fall 2010. I never even thought I would be accepted into such an advanced program, but my professors had faith in me, and now I have faith in myself as well.
Through my college experience, I have learned that everything I do can affect what happens to me in the future. It has been a challenge and it has been fun to actually go from high school, and to a university. It?s a lot more responsibility since no one is there to stop me from not doing my work, but in the end it will reflect in my grade. I could have done things half way and given up, or gone all the way. It?s all about myself motivation to continue and get myself to school, and find my own path to graduation. This is the path I am taking to my future and it?s important that I be present for that. No one else is going to attend classes for me, or learn for me. I cannot say in a few or any words how much I felt that I had to grow up in just one year of university, and now I am preparing to approach the next year. It is a challenge, but I will make it one way or the other, all I need to do is keep the hope alive.
If I had the opportunity to go back into time and tell myself what I know about college I would say to talk to a counselor before signing up for any classes so that I know I would be taking the right ones for general education and to transfer to a four year. I would tell myself to know what I to major in to help find the right four year colleges that offer outstanding programs and that have the highest recruiting rates after graduation. If I am not sure what I want to major in to sign up for a college studies class to help know what I want to major in. If experiencing any trouble with any of the subjects I am studying to seek help from a teacher or get a tutor. If you are very close to failing a class talk to a counselor about your options about withdrawing or dropping the class and retake the class at another time.
stay focused and take your future seriously because if you dont nobody else will
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior ,the advice I would give myself is to listen to my parents! I was at that age where my parents advice pertaining to my friends and then boyfriend, was the type of advice that I did not want to listen to. They were able to see what type of people they were and did not want me around them. I was very defiant and thought I knew who my friends were and of course in the end I learned the hard way. The people I once called my best friends I hardly keep in contact , and my ex boyfriend turned into a loser who is currently going nowhere in life. To this day, my parents still insist that it is important to surround myself with successful people, because I then will have the drive and perserverance to become a successful person. By going through this ordeal, it was easier to get out of the small town that I grew up in and become accepted into a school outside my comfort zone. By doing this, hopefully I will walk away with a life long friend!
I would have to stress the importance of mainting my grades and reasearching schools. You dont have to settle for the closest school near you just because of the cost oe because you dont think your good enough, it may not be easy but when there is a will there is a way. It is also not as scary as you would think it is and there are many clubs to join that help you in your study feild and are fun at the same time. It is a not like any experience you have had before, there are option for every aspect of intrest you have. Take advantage of any programs offered to you, thats what they are there for. Dont be afraid to aim high because dreams do come true if you are willing to make way for them. Finally, it is where you will truly find yourself and who you are.