If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to be afraid. Embrace the challenge. It is much harder to go back to school when you have a family and job that you have to juggle, as well as school. Explore, travel, see new things. It is alright to make mistakes. College is when you are supposed to find yourself, and grow as a person. If you don't attempt this you will never know what you are missing. Now that I am older I realize that I cheated myself out of a wonderful experience. Stay focused. It is a time to grow, but if you don't stay disciplined, you will still miss out. Take advantage of all life has to offer. Even though I cannot go back in time I can now share all of this knowledge with my own children. Hopefully this advice will help them when they begin their college life.
If I could go back and talk to the high school senior version of me, I would tell myself to work hard. I would warn that at times things get hard, but it will be worth it. I would especially tell the younger me to make better friends, and ignore the people who discourage me from studying or make fun of my drive. At the end of it all my success has exceded my wildest dreams, and the hard work is worth it.
Be a well-rounded person. College life is very diverse. Dominque Hills is the most diverse University in California. Many people come from areas where they only see their own race. College life is different in the way that everyone is not going to look like you. Students and teachers come from various backrounds and religions. Being able to get along with everyone and understand most will definately help you in your college experience. You will be able to participate in more such as fraternities and soroities and clubs.
If i could go back to High School, and talk to myself i would. I would tell myself not to worry to much, to just be confident in myself. I would have research more schools, and applied to more. I would tell myself that a higher education is the right, and the Best thing there is out there. Also i would tell myself you only live once, take chances, in things you believe in. And to be confident within yourself.
The most important advice that I would give to myself is to take my education seriously. In high school, there are so many activities you can be involved in and it is easy to stray away of your purpose in school. I was on the Varsity Basketball team for all four years, and I let it take over my life. I put basketball first and school second. I became lazy and only made good enough grades so that I could play basketball. I was selfish, and if I could go back I would have focused more on my school work. Also, I would have told myself to apply for scholarships. My parents would ask me everyday, "Have you applied for scholarships?" And my answer would always be, "I will get to them later." I always had an excuse and I never filled out any scholarships. I say all this to say that if I would have known the cost of attending these universities, I would have made it my duty to fill out as many scholarships as possible. I do not regret some of the decisions i have made because ultimately they have made me a stronger and wiser person.
I would tell myself is to apply for every scholarship that I qualified for because college is expensive. I ended up having to transfer from my first choice school to the college I attend now because my parents couldn?t afford the 37,000 yearly tuition cost. Secondly I would tell myself how important it is to know who you are as a person and know where you stand ethically and morally. People will try to change you as a person and it?s important to not be swayed negatively throughout your college matriculation. I would also remind myself to not settle for less in life and that applies to everything and even relationships. I decided to go to college all the way on the other side of the US and continue my relationship with someone who hadn?t been giving me what I needed even before I left for school. I ended up wasting my time on something I knew that wasn?t fulfilling while I could have been enjoying the whole college experience and meeting new people. Freshmen year of college is one of the most important times of your life, so lately take a lot of pictures.
One thing that i would tell my self is to not procrastinate. Another thing that would be important for me to know would be to find information as to what classes i should/could take that could count for both my major and the GE's. Aside from that i would say use all the things that you learned from AVID, because all that will help alot with things.
The advice I would give myself as a high school student would be retire the blackbook, hang up the stilettos, and open the text books. As an average high school student I worried about the latest parties and the cutest boys. College was a taboo word for me. I used the word "can't" a lot. Although I tried attending community college I was never focused on the books but on the boys. Fourteen years later I am a poor, single mother with three children attending college.
If I can go back in time I will tell myself that " I CAN" do anything I want in life. Boys will come and go but education will be forever!
My advice to myself would be composing a time management with a to-do list. Another advice would be take home made lunch to school instead of purchasing items from the school, it saves alot of money, since I travel from home to school and back each day. Also, do reasearch on courses that I will be able to perform successfully, instead of choosing a course that would be to difficult to accomplish in a semester. One last advice, put 2 hours of study for each unit, it is really helpful.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself about college, the advice I would give would be, to stay focused and on the right track. Personally, so far, my college experience has been more than I could have hoped for. It has given me a chance to be on my own and live for myself. I would tell myself that partying is not why I came to college and an education will be the cause of my future success. Dont let anybody hold you back and dream big. College is a time for prospective students to find who they are and you cant do that with other people shouting in your ear telling you who to be. You have to know what you want and go for it dont let the little distractions hold you back and have fun. Study hard and experience things you never imagined you could or would do.