California State University-East Bay Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The location of the school and how in convenient the school is for people who live on campus but do own a car.


how to manage my time


I wish I had known all the transfer agreement information. That information was not easy to come by--being scattered throughout several departments on campus.


It isn't such a social place to be.


Well actually, before I applied to this school I did research about it and the type of programs and services that the school offers to the students and found out that what they provided is what i was looking for in a school. So, when I actually started attending the school I knew a lot of what I needed to know. With that said there is nothing that I wished I knew before I came to this school because the information they provided on their website and on their flyers sastisfied my needs.


I wished I had known what to major in right away.


What the financial aid system was like.


I feel like I was well prepared, and I can't think of anything that I wish I had known.