California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

Describe the students at California State University-Long Beach.


My class mates are helpful and usually friendly.


Students and classmates in California State University, Long beach are very friendly. Many of us always try to help eachother out and come up with ways to study the best way possible. In many of my classes, my classmates and I have created study groups, reached out to eachother if anybody ever had trouble on an assignment, or just contacted eachother just to meet up and relax.


I'm pretty sure I mentioned that this school was diverse. You're going to meet people of all races from older teens to adults going back to college and of many different majors as well. You want to hear different opinions from different views? This is your place.


CSULB students are a pretty cool crowd, much friendlier and more mature than I expected.... proof: there are blackboards in the USU bathroom stalls, and I didn't see a single penis drawn.


My classmates are people who do not try to make friends with other people, they're not really the most friendly people but what can I expect, I attend a commuter school.


My classmates are very ethnically diverse and come from a variety of different backgrounds.




They are all very friendly and easy to get along with.


Classes at CSULB are filled with dverse students who are rarely just like you even if they are the same major; unless you are in an honor course, in which they type A, smart kids tend to gather and nerd out.


My classmates are generally very interesting and open-minded people.


Classmates at California State Universtiy-Long Beach are very motivated and dedicated as well as very welcoming and amazing people to network with no matter what age, gender, or race.


Some are very hard workers that will succeed in our field, while others will not make it past a few years.


My classmates are helpeful and generous.


Either really quiet taking everything in or really involved letting everything out.


My classmates are fun, helpful, and welcoming.


my classmates are college students just like me, we all have out own little corks.


My classmates are mostly well educated individuals that provide good conversation and input in class discussions. I can relate to my classmates at Cal State Long Beach on numerous levels. Majority of my classmates share the same goals I do. They strive to do well in school, desire to continue their education post bachelor degree, and most importantly have a deep interest in the study of sociology.


My classmates are very diverse; most are natives of California but there is also a good mixture of out-of-state and international students as well.


the students in my classes are nice and helpfull, and most of them are bilingual.


I believe that my classmates are all well-driven in their indiviual studies while also allowing time for a social life and personal responsibilities that don't pertain to school.