California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about California State University-Long Beach? Why?


Homework! It takes up so much time


The worst thing about CSULB is also the best thing. I hated walking the mile from the parking lot at one end of campus to the complete opposite end where my classes were. However, the walk help me to stay in shape and provided beautiful scenery. Everyday I traveled past colorful flowers, sculptures, a bell tower ringing out melodies, eucalyptus shade trees, interesting and original architecture, and wild rabbits and cats that made CSULB their home. The walk and the scenery


I would not be the greatest critique because I am transferring into CSULB and have not had the full experience. Based on the visits and what I ahve seen is the fact that the campus is so big you might want to pick up a scooter or a skateboard to wheel around.


As of now, absolutely nothing. I love the way my school is. It has a wonderful diversion of people from many different parts of the world and the staff are very friendly and helpful.




Students who attend CSULB face a difficult challenge with finding jobs on campus. Students face this challenge because most jobs are offered to students who are a part of the federal work-study program. A majority of students do not have federal work-study and cannot find jobs on campus.


The school website is quite complicated and difficult to navigate successfully. I usually end up "Googling" my way to whatever page I need because it is much easier.


The campus is completely dead on weekends which is terrible for someone who lives on campus. There is nothing to do, especially if you don't have a car!


The amount of traffic coming to school. CSULB feels like a commuter school if you do not live in the dorms.


I wish my college was not a commuter school. I wish that the living situation would be more like the UC's where the city is based off of the college. It has been fun living in Long Beach, and knowing all the students that live around me, but I know that most people drive to school, so meeting with these students and building friendships is much harder since distance is a factor. But other than that, I am still satisfied with my situation.