The facilities are updated and well kept. CSULB has two large computer labs where students can use the computers to research and to type reports. The computers are updated on a regular basis. Also, the staff at the computer labs are helpful.
I love how laid back my school is. The students are there to learn, but still know how to have fun. They aren't stuck up about appearances or grades. Not to mention the campus is so close to the beach! GO BEACH!
The best thing about Long Beach State was building the relationships with other students and faculty. Especially when you find your degree, and your future job profession, you will definitely build connections with the people that share the same desire with you. There is the study groups, fraternaties, sororities, academic societies, clubs, and the student union that tries to bring everyone together. What I also noticed through all my years at LB state was that the faculty was very patient, personable, and taught with passion. I was lucky enough to have met so many people throughout my years in school.
CSULB (The Beach) is making my future actually become a reality. I want to transform into a film director, and before I can do that I have to have experience in the field. The Beach not only allows me to learn about directing, cinematography, writing screenplays, and learning how to budget myself; but it gives me the hands on experience that will be the most valuable asset when I hand in my resume to intern at the CW, NBC, Universal Studios, Sony Studios and the like. CSULB is my past wish, my present reality, and is furthering my future career.
I consider the diversity in students the best thing about my school. Allowing those who were unable to grow up without culture based knowledge closes ones mind. This University not only brings people from all over the world together, but requires you to socialize with others. In doing so you are granted the opportunity to think with an open mind and be accepting of others.
The diversity, and the variety of groups, clubs, and organizations.
I absolutely love being at my school because I always have someone, whether it is a teacher, administrator, advisor, or fellow student there to help me with any problems I may be having. I also love how friendly and welcoming the majority of students here are.
Besides what I have already mention in the earlier question, my school has an amazing atmosphere. No one in discriminated by their color, race, gender, or sexual preference. As a Latina, I have been treated with the respect and generosity I should be treated with. The wonderful atmosphere of freedom allows students to demonstrate to the rest of their school their ideas and opinions which is a great way for students to develop as professionals, which is why students attend college in the first place, to become professionals.
I consider the best thing at my school is the hospitality . When I first join the student government, my advisor and the team welcome me with open arms and lunch. I was surprise at my initiation to the team; food seem like a bribe to join. However, as time goes by, I learn the team was very generous not only among the team but to our peers. We created events that supported the student body to improve their educational and social experience, such as a new 24 hour library policy and rallies against the increase of our tutition.
One of the many things i love about my university is the diversity. I believe eveyone should be equal and i feel that everyone is truly welcome at my school. Everyone is pretty much friendly and willing to help others out reguardless of ethnic or religious background. Students feel free to interact with people of other cultures, races, and learn about people of the world in the process.