California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend California State University-Northridge?


Someone who is lazy and wants a degree in couch potatoeness


A person that wants to attend a small school probably shouldnt attend our school. Our campus is big and has many students. A students that would like to go to their school because of Football shouldnt attend this school neither because we do not have a Football team.


in my opinion, a person who is very determined and knows what they want in life should attend this university. i believe when going to college you should go in having a plan and knowing what you want out of life. Even though I'm not sure of what I want to major in while in college, i have an idea of what I would like to get done in college.


People should not attend this school if they are to shy to meet new people or to timid to branch out and join clubs and prganizations.


Students who lack the true passion to achieve their academic goals should beware that their poor academics will prevent them from becoming competitive candidates for jobs. To compete for the same esteemed jobs that IVY league students are going after, a CSUN student must exhibit excellent acadmics and superior leadership qualities. Those students who are not willing to volunteer in their communities and are not focusing on their studies will regret their failures later in life when the situation will be far out of control.


California State University of Northridge welcomes all ethnically diverse students, accordingly everyone who wants to acquire great education should attend CSUN.


If you are looking for high quality education do not attend this school but if you are looking just to attend than this is the school for you.


People who are looking for a very stable and smooth education. There are chances you won't be able to get classes you want each semester. Also if you don't like urban areas then this school is not for you either. It's surrounded by many buildings, streets, fast food joints, and loud noises.


A person who has to be pressured into getting friends should not attend this school. CSUN is for people who are willing to put themselves out there and meet new people day in and day out. You have to be willing to be yourself and feel comfortable with opening up to whoever might want to be your friend.


A person that likes to be around a lot of people. The city is big so the person should like to live in a fast pace enviroment. He or she should also be open minded because a big school equals a lot of different types of people but most of all they should be ambitious and determind to get to where he or she wants to get to.