In my own personal opinion, I believe that a person that isn't mature, nor has the right attitude doesn't belong at anyone's university because without those two characterictics the person would more than likely lack respect. Most and foremost a person has to be strong in taking of respnsibilities.
I don't recommend attending CSUN if you prefer to be around people of the same race, sex, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation, or ethnic background. Since the levels of diversity are so high here, someone who prefers similarity would not be happy attending this school.
I would not recommend my school to anyone whos idea of college is going to huge parties every other night, getting drunk, and skipping class. CSUN is not much of a party school nor is it a school that is consistantly focused around football, simply because there is no football team. Attending class every day at my school is crucial to getting the best out of the education offered. Professors strive to make the most of every day of class and the fact that teachers really get to know their students does not allow for slacking off.
Everyone should attend this college. But if you are not academic focused then this may not be the college for you. Because this school is very strict on education.
A person who is not focused on their studies and on graduating, should not attend California State University Northridge. It takes a strong and dedicated person to get to the top. If you do not have these skills, you will not make it at this school or any school for that matter.
The type of person who should not attend Cal State Northridge is someone who is not serious about furthering his or her education, who does not want or will not take the responsibility to go to class and do whatever it takes to pass his or her classes and just wants to have fun and party instead.
The kind of person that is reserved and anti- social. Someone who doesn't take their work seriously, or someone who is not intrested in sociable events, activism, or philantrophy.
This question is tricky, I could not not say that anyone should not be allowed to go to this school. Everyone should have the opportunty to recieve an higher education, no matter what there background was or the things that they messed up on in the past. With every school, i guesss they should not allow murders and things on that level. But if there is no explainable reason for the person not being allowed to go to school, than i think that they should be able to go.
The one who works full-time or close to full-time
I believe anyone has the right to attend this school. No one should be discriminate or turned down to go into a school.