Campbell University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Campbell University? Why?


The worst thing about the school is the eating places they have established. There is only a select few places that takes meal plan and with those select few even fewer give the students a full course meal.


THe worst thing about my school is the location. Being somewhat rural there is no public transportation from the school to get to shopping or entertainment businesses. This limits student who live on campus from going shopping and other places as the school does not provide weekly transportation to such locations.


The worst thing about my school would be that fact that they are Baptist and im not. I grew up going to a Methodist background which is very different from what im used to. Getting used to what they believe and how they believe it has been a challenge. Though challenges are worht the effort to go through and going through them with God is a good thing.


The worst thing about my school would be the poor internet service. We have outages quite often, however they are working to fix the problem.


The food is the worst because it does not taste good at all and everybody hates it.


Although Campbell is a Christian school, not all students in attendance have Christian values. Although the campus is "dry," there are parties with alcohol just down the road. By staying in the right crowd, I've only heard about these non-moral things, but many students may get caught in the trap.


The location of the school. There is nothing close to the school so you will need a car to get to anything like shopping or eateries.


The students don't taken enough pride in their university. We should all be united and support each other.


The worst thing is that, because it is in a small town, sometimes there is not a lot to do on the weekends. The college works hard to provide programs for the students and there are places to go on campus, but it can still be frustrating to have to drive ten miles to get the nearest town.


The shool being in the middle of no where is the worst thing in my opinion because there is not a lot that we can do on weekends and everybody goes back home because of that so it gets boring after a while.