Campbell University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Campbell University know before they start?


The best advice I can give is to pray about where God wants you. He will never let you down. The same thing with your major. I spent my first year and a half at Campbell as an undecided student. I waited until I was sure of what I wanted to do to declare my major and I love it! Also, don't be afraid to try new things, but don't be stupid either. College can be a blast and you will definitely make friends that you will have for a lifetime.


Everyone should visit the campus and meet the professors just so that you can decide if the area and people are right for you.


If a parent wants to really find the perfect school for their child, one which will allow them to make the most out of their college experience, then push the child to pick a school based off of their wants for the future. Too often people go through college thinking only of the next five years and how much money they can make once they get out instead of thinking of what they could spend the rest of their lives happily doing. Its fine to be wealthy, however there is a line drawn between working and living. If you want to give your child the option of spreading their wings and doing something you know they love in their heart, even if it is to become a starving artist, then let them follow those dreams. Our childhood is gone, and will never come back, but the dreams we still hold to and the magic that still lives in this world will only remain with us for as long as we are encouraged and pushed to follow the paths less chosen or less accepted. .


Choose the college that is right for you. Don't be afraid to sit in on a class and experience the school's environment first hand.


Choosing a college is a very important decision in a student's life. In order to be sure you have picked the right college, make sure to visit everyone that you have in mind. Visiting the college will give you an insight and the inside scoop on the college, making you realize things that you might not have noticed about the school before. Also, be sure to look into the majors and degrees offered from the school. If your major is undecided, choose a school that has majors you think you might be interested in. Once you have finally picked the college for you, relax, work hard, and have fun! Make sure you spend an adequate amount of time studying for classes, but also remember set aside time for yourself to have fun. You can be successful and have a great social life at the same time. College is the time to make yourself a better person and to make lifelong friendships. So, make sure you choose what college is best for you, and while you are there be sure to enjoy yourself.


The advice I would give to parents and students is to take some weekend trips to a variety of schools, big, small, private, public, religious, non-religious, city, country. All different kinds. Also to look into financial aid oportunities as well as on campus student activities. Get involved, go to freshman/ new-student orientations (that's where I met my best friend). Don't apply to just 2 schools, apply to about 5 or 6 (some schools waive to application fee). Lastly, do well on your ACT/ SAT tests, it plays a MAJOR role in where you'll go, how much money you'll recieve and what classes you can get waived. One last thing, Have Fun & follow your instinct.


Find a college that offers many different majors, because you may get a few classes into the major you thought that you wanted to do. only to find out that it's not what you really wanted, so if there are many options then you have the ability to find the field you want. Also look at tuition cost, and see if the school has any building plans for the future. If they do, then it is a high possibility that tuition will be increased to cover the cost of the building project. To make the most of the college experience, i would say get involved. Participate in some of the intramural sports programs, hang out with friends, clubs, just sit down and get to know people.


Students preparing for college should visit several colleges before making a final decision. Finding the college that is a perfect fit for you is a process that could take some time. Price, academic reputation, and distance from were the three deciding factors in my college search. I would encourage students to make the most of their college experience first by doing well in their classes and also by getting involved with programs offered by the school. College provides many opportunities to serve, learn, and share with others.


Start looking at schools early. I didnt start until late and I would reccomend starting your sophomore year.


To parents, I recommend helping your student look for a college that has great academics and offers plenty of scholarships (because we all know how brutally expensive college can be!) Also, make sure the college you and your student look for has the program they wish to study, as well as many other choices so they have options in case they change their mind. To students, I recommend looking for a college that focuses strongly on academics, but also knows how to have fun and has plenty of social activities planned that YOU would enjoy doing. Don't choose a college simply because its your parents alma mater, but instead choose your college because it is where you want to go and because it offers a program that interests you and is applicable to the field you want to one day work in. And don't forget to check out the cafeteria! Make sure that food is something you want to eat for the next four years. :)