Campbellsville University Top Questions

Describe how Campbellsville University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Campbellsville University is a small private school, rooted in Christian theology, it is accepting of people from all walks of life and is great place to "FInd Your Calling."


Campbellsville University is a very small college that it starting to grow gradually and has very open arms for all in coming students.


CU is a campus filled with friendly faces and Christian faith that will help one succeed in life.


My school is a small, conservative school that reflects the heart of community and family.


Campbellsville University is committed to providing a well-balenced education based on Christian values, while providing many extra-curricular activities to engage in.


Campbellsville University exists to help students find their calling by assisting each student evry step of the way.


A school that loves to serve God and others.