Carroll University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carroll University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I wouldn't tell myself anything. This may sound odd to some but I look at life as an adventure. The beauty of life is that you never know what is coming; it may be something painful or something uplifting but regardless of the experience everthing that has happened in my life since I was eighteen has lead me to be the person I am today. I wouldn't want to go back and warn myself or guide myself any differently because that could have changed who I am now and who I was the first year of college. I learned in the transition to college that the people who love you most in life will always be there and that I am more independent than I ever gave myself credit for. However, I wouldn't give any advice to myself , instead I would just live the adventure of life.


What are you thinking about that hair? Oh, well! I have come from the future, Cabrina, to give you some advice. Work your butt off in the summer and save a lot of money. That way you won't have to work 2 jobs while you are in school. Your school work will suffer. Also, don't change your major because you dad wants you to make more money. You already know you want to be a teacher, so do what you love. You are smart, loved, and capable of great things. Wait, why am I telling you this? No, forget I said anything. I love my life in the future. If I tell you to change things, it could change the future. I might not appreciate my education as much as I do now. I might not have learned lessons about saving money. So I change my mind, past Cabrina. Mistakes are meant to be made and lessons are meant to be learned. From those lessons you will be a great person who will do great things. So go on, make those mistakes and be proud of who you are. Also, get your hair cut!


If I could go back in time, I think I would tell my high school self to constantly remind yourself of your priorities. My freshman year was such an amazing learning experience; I learned to be independent and focus on myself. However, with this independence came more responsibility. While I still earned good grades and made the dean’s list, I think I could have pushed myself harder academically. I lost sense of my academics at times, and this was certainly my biggest downfall. Students must realize what is most important, and always prioritize accordingly. Additionally, I would tell incoming freshman to fully embrace the change; to be flexible, to meet as many people as possible, and to let yourself grow. Incoming freshman should know that freshman year can be one of the greatest learning experiences of your lives, if you just embrace it.


I enjoy being an education major and helping mold the world’s future leaders, but sometimes I think I would have liked to pursue different careers. I could see myself as a medical doctor, lawyer, or dentist. If I could get one do over I would research more careers instead of being set on a specific one my entire life. I would select three to five careers I could see myself enjoying and shadow people in those fields for at least two years. By shadowing and asking questions I could see what each job has to offer and if it is something I could see myself doing every day. After choosing a field I would research top schools for the field and try to attend those colleges. If I had chosen this path I would have had more assurance of my career choice instead of pondering what different careers are like and if I would have enjoyed them more.


If I could talk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself to have confidence in myself and my abilities. I entered college shy and unsure of myself and have since then developed my self-confidence and I feel it has positively impacted my life. I would tell my past self that you will find a group of friends who will embrace and accept you for the person you are and will become, and all you have to do is be yourself. Don't change for expectations or because you feel it will help you be more social. Your friends and peers will like you for who you are, not who you feel you should be. Embrace the person you are and don't be afraid to express yourself. Your new friends will look beyond the imperfections you feel you possess and will help you to do the same. Their friendship and love will open a new chapter in your life where you learn to love yourself and what you are capable of. Not everything in college will be easy nor will it be fun but your friends will help you make it through.


I would go back in time and tell myself to study up more on the mathematics side. As a biochemistry major, I had to take physical chemistry as a requirment. Had I mastered calculus at an earlier stage, I know p-chem would not have been as difficult. I would tell myself to be more friendly and more receptive to people. As a commuter, I don't have as many friends when compared to people who live on campus. However, the friends I do have I would never trade for anything in this world. I would advise myself to take the opportunity to be more involved in campus events. To take some time to relax and enjoy life. My choice of career has led to high-stress situations but the key is to not worry about getting the perfect grade. I would tell myself this, that as long as you strived your hardest and gave it your all, you should never be ashamed of what grade you get. What matters in the end is what you learned as a result, not some letter grade. Exeperiences matter more than grades and it took me this long to figure it out.


Lindsay, I know you don't like school but I also know that you want to succeed. I know you just want to get a job and start working and quit school but that's not the best option for you. You need to go to school and get a degree so by the time your 23 you'll already have your degree and be out in the workforce with that degree. Experience is big but education is bigger, and you'll have experience with the Culinary Arts by the time you graduate from school with all the hands on learning you'll do. So from a money standpoint you can drop out now like you want to start earning money now. Or you can continue in your education and go to college for your degree and be making so much more than you could without a degree at the age of 23. It's worth it, believe me!


Just because you don't see the lines dividing down the road does not mean that you have taken a wrong turn. You don't always know where you are, but that picture perfect image in your head of where you want to be just might be enough to guide you. On the way there, people will offer help when you need it, but many more will only have kindness and empathy to offer in the light of your misfortunes. My golden piece of advice to any all who seek answers: You can onl reach as far as you aspire to reach, and you can only aspire to reach as far as you can realistically fathom. Never set your expectations too high, and never set you priorities too low. Accept help when you need it, but do not forget that it iis your initiative that acts as a catalyst on your day's and your life's experiences. Be strong enough to blaze your own trail and to navigate your way throughout life's obstacles, but also be sensibile enough to know when to make exceptions and when to make sacrifice, and above all, when to trust your initiative instinct.


Being as though I am a mother and a wife now. I would have encouraged myself to attend school earlier in life. It has become extremely hard to juggle college, children, a job and a relationship. I have fought for my career this far and I am not giving up. I am too close. Back in high school I would have told myself to get into school earlier in life. However, now I am setting a great example for my children to hold tight and keep moving forward.


The main point that I would give advice to my high school self is to be open to changes because you never know what will happen with life. I would tell my self not to be set on a major because you might take classes in that major or find out more information about the major and find out that it is not a good choice for you. I would also tell my self to choose a major based off a combination of what you love doing and what class you enjoyed most through out school. I would also tell myself to be open to finding new friendships, even if they are people that you would not hang out with in high school. I would tell myself that going to parties and drinking is not all as hyped as it really is and that he should save his money and not waste it on alcohol because in college you may find the love of your life and get married before you are done with college. To wrap up my advice, I would conclude with that you will learn alot about yourself by jsut being open to new ideas.