Carroll University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carroll University know before they start?


College is a time when students are able to determine for themselves what is important to them. In order to be certain, one must branch out and explore new ideas and activities. If I could talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to not be afraid to consider different concepts. Although I have a shy personality, I should step out of my comfort zone and take advantage of every opportunity to learn about other ways of thinking. Stressing the importance of involvement, I would explain that it is okay if I don’t know everything, but to pursue every experience with a positive outlook so I can broaden my overall knowledge. Because I do stress about my school work, I would try to persuade my high school self to recognize that academics are essential, however, I need to spend some time on myself. Whether it be socializing, volunteering, or being a member of a club, my involvement should be something I enjoy, even if it is not relevant for my career choice. Lastly, I would clarify that there will be some hard moments. Nevertheless, everything will pay off in the end as long as I’m happy.


I would tell my high school senior self that I would really need to get my act together more. To start studying more and prepare more for school. Also to get more involved and join the sorority my freshmen year because it would help make the transition into school easier.


If I could go back in time to talk to my younger self about my experiences at college there would be many things to say. The main thing I would advise myself to do would be to challenge myself with everything I did. For example, I would take more advanced courses, because the basic level courses hardly prepare anyone for the work they are faced with during college. I would also advise myself to be more involved with school activities. Activities are a great way to meet people; they can make the challenging task of trying to meet new people slightly easier.


I would tell myself not to be so nervous about the first semester of college. Everything will work out, and even thought it is hard work and the assignments may seem impossible, you are good enough and you can do it. I would also tell myself to be prepared for homesickness, but do not feel bad about it. It is normal to miss your family; they are your greatest support system, and although you don't see them everyday they are just a phone call away. You are an amazing person and you can get through the first semester. No matter how hard it gets, you pull through and surprise yourself in the process. Make sure to take breaks and don't get caught up in studying. Band is the best outlet you have, and don't lose it because you will make great friends in that class who make you not just a better player but a better person aswell.


My high school years could be described as anything but difficult. I was a very blessed student, having the ability to naturally excel at almost every class I was taking without having to put an extreme amount of effort into anything. Little did I know, that this blessing could ultimately be my biggest curse upon entering my college years. Now, I would describe my college years as anything but easy. Because I did not have to study hard in high school, I do not have the proper study skills to help push through my tougher, science related undergraduate classes. If I could go back, I would tell myself to go above and beyond what was expected of me as much as possible, as it would ultimately work to my benefit in the end. I would also challenge myself to take classes I just may not have seemed interested at the time, as a few of those subjects ended up being requirements for my undergraduate degree. If I could have the opportunity to revisit my eighteen year old self again, I would give this advice without hesitation. Hindsight is 20/20, but proper preparation can also outsmart hindsight.


If I could go back now, I would tell myself to actually apply for scholarships. Everyone told me over and over to apply. They kept nagging me and told me how important it was. At the time I figured loans would cover everything and that I wouldn't need the extra money. I was wrong. I needed it. I have to work extra hard and try to come up with money in different areas to pay for the out of pocket expenses I have left over after my loans. I never guessed books and living expenses would be so much. Now I know what I wish I would have known then.


If I were to go back in time I wouldn't tell myself anything because if I would have I probably wouldn't have honestly listened. What I mean by that is that because in high school I haven't experienced college so I really wouldn't be paying much attention. It wouldn't hit me til I got to college when I would be like "Oh yes I should have listened to myself." I would like to say I should have told myself to work more, but I feel as if I worked as much as I could given I wanted to do sports and still do well in school. Finally I feel as if I went back in time I wouldn't be able to really make it clear what college was like because you just have to experience it to know what to expect.


I would tell myself to focus more on my grades. I would also tell myself not to wait til last minute to do task


First, I would tell myself to soak up every minute of my senior year in because I miss many of those times with my friends, coaches, teammates, teachers, and other community members. Next, I would say that the college classes offered at high school are extremely beneficial as you transition into college. Another good piece of advice would be to stay on top of emails and the entire college process. This makes it easier as you progress toward the start of the year. Do what you want to do and don't worry about what other people think. Don't second guess yourself so much and stay organized because it helps when you have so much on your plate. Talk to people about what you are stressed out about especially your parents they have excellent input. Share good times with your friends and keep those relationships. Also, thank coaches, teachers, and others that have assisted you in anyway with your senior year and college transition. Lastly, don't worry so much everything works out one way or another. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY YOURSELF!


Dear Saera, I wish you did something you really wanted to do instead of hiding and did what your parents wanted you to do. When you did that did your life really turn out well? All you did was waste years of your life doing things that aren’t meaningful. Sure you got experience—great, but in the end it feels like you wasted a part of yourself. The money was o.k. and everything but your work didn’t satisfy you as much as you’d like. You should’ve known people like different things not just one thing. I’m glad you turned into a person who made o.k. money also but the difference was you loved your job. It’s ok you took your pace as you liked it. I wish you weren’t so serious in everything and getting angry at people for the wrong reasons. But I’m also glad you enjoyed being young having a great time with people. If you picked the wrong choices, you would’ve got yourself into more trouble. Frankly who knows what the wrong choices were in the extremes, I’m glad you followed your heart. Thank you