Carthage College Top Questions

Describe the students at Carthage College.


In the four years of college, I still have the same friends from Freshmen year and my friend base has just grown throughout my college career.


Most of my classmates are very helpful if I'm not understanding the material and can't get ahold of a professor, we often times will meet outside of class and work on the assignments together.


Very engaged in discussions and interested in what is being taught.


My classmates are diverse in interests and backgrounds. We all contribute something different.


My view of my classmates if I could have one word would be to say determined.


Be sure to study hard and don't get so involved in campus life that you do not do well academically. You need to be able to guide your own education so understand the graduation requirements and be actively involved in your course selection. If you have a goal to complete your undergraduate degree in four years to will need to think outside of the box to get all your coursework done. Especially important if you have a major and a minor or two.


Never focus too close on data.


The classmates I associate with are very studious, and they are willing to help newcommers find their way around campus.