Carthage College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Carthage College?


The kind of person who shouldn't attend this school would be the kind of person who doesn't have the patience to complete all of the liberal arts requirements along with all the major and/or minor requirements.


The only person that should not attend this school would be an athlete with scholarship offers from higher level schools, or student with intended majors that carthage does not offer.


Carthage College suits the needs for a variety of people. Everyone who is driven to do well and receive a good education will fit in ver nicely into the atmosphere of Kenosha and this college. Those who should not attend would be those who do not wish to do the work necessary to complete a college dregree. Since the Michigan Lake is right on the border of campus, those who are afraid of large bodies of water should think about attending a different school.


A person that is looking for more of a "big school" experience, someone who is looking for big parties, or someone who isn't comfortable in a small classroom setting where there is a lot of in class discussion between the students.


someone that wants a large school with large wont find it here


A student with ambition to become aworld leader through the movement of change.


Someone who is not motivated to learn, and participate in classes. I am enrolled in the adult education program at this school, it provides smaller class sizes and an accelerated program. It is a wonderful program however, it takes a lot of work to balance a school, home, and work life. It takes a lot of motivation to complete these classes and because of the smaller size there is much more interaction within the classroom, if someone is not willing to put forth the effort, or is very shy in the classroom I would not reccomend it.


One should not attend this school if they are someone who needs a lot of excitement, especially on the weekends; if you enjoy partying and drinking with a lot of people, this is not the place for you because Carthage is full of low-key mellow people who don't mind staying in on the weekend.


Someone who is looking for more of a partying experience. There's parties, but in general most of the people really spend their time studying and focusing on school. There is a lot of determination in everything that goes on here.


Someone who shouldn't attend this school would have to be very lazy about getting their work done and into the teacher on time. This school is mostly writing intensive so someone who has writing disabilities might have a lot of trouble. You should not come here if you have a strong cabin fever and no car for transportation because there is little to no transportation off campus if you don't have a car.