Carthage College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carthage College know before they start?


There are many factors that should be considered when choosing the right college. Te size of the campus and classes, is this a comfortable fit for you. Te degrees that the college offers, are they a good fit for the plan you have for your future. It help to work with a career counselor prior to beginning college so that you do not have to lose credits by changing schools because you cannot complete the degree that you need. Check on the school statistics for graduation and job placement in the degree area that you are most interested in. College is completed in a short time and work can go on for the rest of your life, be sure to have considered your career plan carefully so that is it a good match for who you are and what is important to you. The amount of financial aide or scholarships available can help you determine what your debt load will be upon completion of your college experience, this is an important factor for considering your future after college. Be sure to tour campuses this will give you a feel for whether or not you are a good fit.


Make sure you really look into the school you are looking at. Go on campus tours and ask current students what they think of the school. They will be willing to tell you their true opinion.


The best thing anyone can do is to spend time on campus while class is in session. This is truly the best way to see students interact and to also see the amount of energy and appreciation on campus. Talking to current students is also very helpful as well. I don't mean talking to tour guide students because remember, they are getting paid to be nice. Go out of your way and talk to a group of students walking back from class or standing in line at the cafeteria. These students won't think twice about telling you the good and the bad about their school. As for the prospective student, staying the night is a great opportunity to see the type of activities that go on when parents and instructors aren't around. Also check the location of the school in comparison to local grocery stores, restaurants, and other fun activities. This is an extremely easy way to see the types of activities students can do off campus, and also an easy way to see if the campus is lively on the weekends.


Be practical. A college should be about what kind of degree it can give you, and all the other factors are just gravy on that one goal.


First, decide what size school will work best for you. Decide based on how you learn and what you need, not simply what looks fun. Do not pay attention to what your friends are doing or where they are going, just find what will be best for you. In order to make the most of your experience, find lots of activities to join in the first few weeks of school. You'll meet a lot of people and find what interests you most. After classes start, you can narrow down to only those activities that you really care about, and still keep all the friends that you met through them!


Never pick too soon.


Honestly, I believe that finding the right college is taking the time to explore each campus and talking to people who actually live on campus because sometimes administration can be decieving. Also, I recommned choosing a college that has endless possiblities because a person never knows when their major may change. With that in mind, I strongly recommend, for those who cannot afford college as easily as some people, make sure the college you attend offers a lot of financial aid and will help get you that financial aid. As well, do not pick a college simply because the campus is beautiful or supposedly friendly, as they saying goes "looks can be decieving". Aways be sure to check if the school helps students along the way as well because sometimes its not easy for students to know what they want and how to go about getting what they want. So make sure there are plenty of advisors and helpful people. Other than that, my suggestion is to go with gut instinct, if a college seems right for you than it probably is.


Make sure you really check out the school and understand what that school is all about. Talk to lots of teachers in the field you would like to major and talk to students. They will give you their honest opinion of the school.


The best way to find the right college is to visit more than one. And by more than one I mean at least 3 or 4. Campus visits are the best way to figure out whether a college is the right one for you. Also sit in on classes, do an overnight stay with a student ambassador, and go to on campus activities such as games. The more you decide to find out about your college, the more you'll have to go on when it's time to make your decision. There is no right or wrong way to go about finding out about colleges so just take in as much as you can and see what happens.


Take your time in the search. Explore many options. Make sure you visit the campus more than once. Also sit in on classes you would be attending. Make sure there are many diverse options for you academically and socially. Look into the dorm settings and the campus as a whole. This will be your new home for 4 years.