Carthage College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Carthage College?


The most frustrating thing is our meal plan. We used to run on a "swipe" system where meals were worth a certain number of swipes. Now they switched it to "points" with about a 1:1 point to dollar ratio. However, when they switched the system, they also eliminated most meal deals and upped the prices of the other meals so we're paying much more for the same amount of food we purchaced in the 2010-11 school year.


The most frustrating thing about Carthage is the weather, it gets really cold and with the lake outside it feels even more cold.


The most frusturating thing is that there are no paper towels in the bathroom.


The most frustrating thing about Carthage is the tuition. I have quite a bit of financial aid, but it is still very expensive to attend this school. It is frustrating because I know that it will be worth it in the long run, but it is scary to think of how much debt I will be in after I graduate.


The most frustrating aspect of Carthage College is the tuition. For the 2009-2010 school year, Carthage's tuition was around 36,000 dollars. For the 2010-2011 year, Carthage's tuition was around 37,900 dollars. For the next school year, tuition will increase by 5.28{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, and the college expects to continue increasing the tuition by an average of 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} every year. For my senior year, the least that I will pay for college is 42,000 dollars. I don't understand why Carthage must raise it's tuition when it boasts of 22 consecutive years of surplus.


The most frustrating thing is having very bitter cold winters. The snow can pile up and walking to class can be trecherous. There is no complaining that we get the full effect of the four seasons.


The seeming lack of education and quality for the price I pay to go; the money doesn't really seem to go to improving the school, and much (but not all) of the campus looks unrenovated as if it were from the last 2-3 decades ago. Also, it doesn't FEEL like a place of higher learning; it feels more like either an expensive high-school or day-care. I feel mixed about the level of education. Some of my classes I really learn in, while others were the same or worse than high school.


lack of concern with environment and with situations that do not directly affect the students


I believe that a lot of the students don't have a priority to get their class work done because they can sometimes overlook at the fact that it is an expensive school. When your parents pay for classes, it's a lot easier to skimp on your school work, rather than when a student has to provide the funds for their education. I have to provide half the funding for my tuition.


The most frustrating thing about Carthage College is the lack of focus toward commuter students. Being a commuter student myself, I would like to see more opportunities for commuter students to be involved and integrated with the school.