Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Case Western Reserve University accurate?


nerds, overachievers, and some people are introverted, but not everyone


Pretty much.


To a degree, though there are people here for everyone, whether it be a nerd or a hard partier.


Some Case students are not very sociable, and the work load makes it impossible to party during the week. However, there are many Case students who do fun things on weekends and have a group of really close friends.


sometimes. everyone seems to be really intelligent, you don't get into case by accident, but for just as many nerdy weird people, there are lots of normal fun people too. you just have to be willing to get out of your room and go find things to do. greek life is HUGE at case, and really fun, people get super into greek week and greek events. athletics are a great way to get involved, there are endless clubs and groups too, so you're able to find other "normal" people with your similar interests


To a point. I think anywhere you go, you're going to have to make your own fun. Here it just takes a little bit of effort. There's usually at least something going on Wednesday-Sunday, it just takes some digging. Most of the students here are really nerdy. But there's still the everyday college student who enjoys partying more than spending time at the Library.


Not anymore. The last "Case" class is graduating this year. From my class and younger there are more students who are athletic and some even borderline unintelligent, while the sample of females has become more and more attractive.


More or less accurate. Also, campus is a growing hotbed of anti-semitism. One kid was attacked simply for being a Jew. Case is not a Jew-Friendly campus, at least for those who are openly religious.


Yes, we're nerdy. We do have social lives, but the scene is much quieter than at a state school. Women to men ratio is 40-60, and improving. That's just a statement about quantity though. No, everyone is NOT an engineer, and Case has excellent programs not in the engineering school.


For the most part, they are true. Case students tend to be very academically driven and less party driven. Many students had gotten into Ivy League schools, but Case gave them a lot more money in financial aid so they chose to come here. The parties are smaller and usually only on weekends as that is the only free time that students have. If you are looking for a party school, here is not the place to be.