Although this is my first year attending college, I have learned many life long lessons. From my experience so far, I have learned that anything is possible if you stay focused and determined. Growing up in a poverty stricken neighborhood, I have always seen failure and have been told that I will not amount to anything in life. By attending college I have proved to myself that I can achieve anything that I set my mind to achieve. This taught me the true value and meaning of determination, and that is one value that I will pass onto anyone that I believe it can help. College has taught me that sometimes in life you come across obstacles that you believe are impossible to overcome, but when you try hard, anything is possible.
If I could travel back in time to impart wisdom to myself about life at college, I would tell myself to come with an open mind -- because a mind that is willing to try anything will allow for only the best experiences. I would tell myself to go for it; to spend time with the people that I would have never associated with at high school, because they would be the people that would be the most inspirational and influential. I would tell myself to have an open mind to try new clubs and activist groups, to venture out into new experiences like plays and talent shows. I would tell myself to be open to try new classes and to take new travel opportunities because one never knows what one can learn if only one puts oneself in different situations. I would tell myself to have an open mind about politics, to get involved in the college community, and to also have an accepting attitude towards my professors, to sit down with them at lunch, and enlighten myself. But, most importantly, I would tell myself to truly be open to everything and everyone because they will influence my life forever.
If I could go back in time I would have prepared my funds better. College is much more expensive, as far as books and materials, than I could have ever expected when I was in high school. I would have started a special account just to pay for all my textbooks through my college years. Then I wouldn't be so concerned about money.
Another piece of advice I would give myself is to enhance my social skills to be able to live in a dorm with many other students. I had never had to share a room with someone else, and the dorm transition was challenging for me. I would have been more comfortable to move into the college if I had experienced the dorm life ahead of time. I would go back in time to tell myself to shadow a college friend to feel exactly what it's like on campus in a dorm. The last thing I would do when back in time is to give myself a pat on the back for being such an astute student all my life. It really helped me prepare for the workload in college.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would tell her ?cheer up, everything is so much better afterhigh school, there are bigger and better things out there and you will do great. Yeah, and the guidance councilors do not know everything, take chemistry and French and every dual credit or AP course you can, you?ll be glad you did. It would also be a good idea to start looking for scholarships now, the best school for you is an expensive one but you?ll feel right at home there and find a very close knit ?family? of friends. Also, don?t worry that you didn?t get into you top school, their ?great program? is actually mediocre compare to the individual attention you will get from one of the best professor/authors there is. And don?t worry that you can?t keep your grades up; you?re going to be an honor student. As for cheerleading, definitely do it, I know you?re scared you?ll be cut, but trust me you?ll be great. And finally always listen to mom; turns out she?s right almost all the time.?
I sailed through high school, not having to work hard to get good grades. I failed out of Cazenovia after my first semester for poor academic performance. I did not think I had to work hard there. I disappointed myself and my parents. I finished my next 3 semesters at Corning Community College studying hard to get good grades. I am starting back at Cazenovia this semester with my Associates Degree under my belt.
If I could go back in time. I would tell myself sliding by is not an option. I would tell myself that College is not all about being social. College time is such a different life style. No one is asking you if you've done your homework or reminding you that it is late and to go to bed. You learn after a while, that you need to step up to the plate and become a responsible student. I would tell anyone else getting ready to go to college be true to yourself. Engage yourself in your classes and realize that this is the foundation for the rest of your life. Be prepared, have fun but not to much fun.
I would tell myself that although Cazenovia is a great college, go to Hudson Valley because it is less expensive and i could transfer to SUNY ESF. I would tell myself that to focus more on school, my first priority is school not crew. Dont make friends with people who drink all the time because they can get you in trouble even if you dont drink. watch out for finals everyone is stressed to the max. Talk to the professors about any problems faced with work assigned. Try not to get dragged into other peoples problems, it will hurt you in the end. Pick friends that will be there for you and stand up for yourself. Don't let anyone push you around. Ask for help when you need it.
Hello me! Lets get to the point, yes you are living in a basement suite with 10 other freshman girls, but don't worry! I know you are nervous about if you will like the other girls and of they will like you back. TRUST ME, you will come to love them like sisters! Some of these girls become your good friends, but remember to venture out and make other friends as well! Don't be one of those dorm room dwellers, be the adventurous and friendly girl who you are and meet people. Oh, but stay away from the short blonde girl named Ashley who will live across from your future friends Liz and Katie on the 3rd floor.This girl is annoying, clingly, and will literally not stop talking to you for hours! The food is okay, the horses are great, and jump right in on making friends on the riding team. These people are awesome and you will learn a ton from them! While we are on the subject of horses, don't attempt petting horse named Elliot, he will bite you! Other than that, I don't want to spoil the surprise! Have an Aweosme Year!
Be sure to do everything you can and take part in all aspects of the school. College life only happens once and its best to use your time wisely.
Going back in time as a high school senior, now knowing about college life I would advise myself to choose a good group of friends, and not worry about what others would think of me, and to be open and outrageous to meeting differnt types of people. Also for me the transition into college was not a difficult as many other, although go away to school was my choose I felt that it was a good decision becuase it has been a good learning for me. I would advise others that it is not as scary as it seems leaving home and going away to college. For many students it is a good learning experience, learning to be able to depend on yourself and not on your parents, and being able to "start fresh." Overall, the key is to be able to have a good learning college experience while having fun at the same time.
If I visited myself as a high school senior, I would give myself some advice about my transition to college. Mostly, I would assure myself that I didn't have to be so nervous about moving to college. It was everyone else's first college experience too, and I wasn't the only one unsure about getting along with my roommate, or finding my way to each of my classes. I would encourage myself to get involved in all of the activities the school sets up for us, rather than taking them for granted, and to not be shy about sitting with people I only just met in the dining hall. I would also remind myself that, although I am going to have more fun then I realize, I do have to remember that this is college, and I can't just skate by doing the minimal work. even though I'm smart, I have to put in much more effort than I did in high school. Even though these are all things I wish someone had told me as I was entering college, I still think I adjusted well and made the most of my first year.