Just be aware of the enviroment of Caz its a small place some people its hard to adjust.
When chosing a college you have to look at many differnt aspects of the college. Check out the campus life, make sure the type of activities that are going on are things that you like to do. Don't just assume that a huge school is the best school. Some students do not do as well in larger schools because they are over whellmed by the amount of people there are. Talk to some of the professors before you make your final decision and read. Reading is the most important thing in deciding a school. People are constantly blogging about their school expericence, in the class room and out of the class room. Don't rush in to the decision. You don't have to enroll into the school as soon as you get accepted. You have a choice.
Just go out and try. Overnights are the best way to find out what is really going on in a school without having to deal with the tours and the pre-written lectures to convince students to enroll there. It's all about feeling comfortable at the school.
Students: Find somewhere where you feel at home. Even if it is too far/close than you expected. You need to make sure you feel comfortable in your classes and wherever you plan on living. Also, don't ONLY focus on your school work. Remember that college is about having fun too, not just staying holed up in your dorm room working. Just don't have too much fun that your grades suffer, you are also here for an education. Time management skills are very, very crucial. Parents: don't hover over your kids while they are at college. They need to use that time by themselves to make their own mistakes and figure out who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Be happy that they are choosing to further their education!
make sure that you feel confortable on campus
Finding the right college depends on what the student is looking for... if you're not sure of what major you want then choose ones with lots of options. Whether or not you can handle big lecture classes. Personally I have found that it pays to get to know your professors because then they can give you lots of tips and pointers from things like how to not get a killer hangover to what grad schools to look at. Live in the dorms for at least a year, it can be difficult to find a good roommate... if you can't seem to find a good one then singles are always a good option. Don't go home every weekend... the best times to be had with friends are on the weekends when everyone is bored out of their minds.
Choose a college that you will feel comfortable at. No matter what anyone says do what you want to do. This is somones future and dream. Fear nothing and work hard toward your dreams.